Monday, December 30, 2019

Identifying Requirements For High Level Policy Makers

Phase One – Identifying Requirements 1. High level policy makers are not only concerned with intelligence; they are constantly concerned with reelection. A policy maker who is identifying requirements could decide to focus resources on an issue that is less vital to the nation’s security in order to obtain information that will get them reelected. High level threats could be pushed to the side in order to address an issue that is not necessarily as vital but is a hot topic in news media, and public opinion. This would be followed down by the intelligence community and the more dangerous area or individual threat could be left unmonitored. 2. Often briefings and communication between high level officials and analysts are hectic times and communication of requirements could not be communicated clearly. A policy maker giving feedback on collection objectives or asking questions could be perceived by the intelligence official as requesting more information when really that policy maker has enough information to make a decision. This is an issue when two people come from different backgrounds and use different phrasing, objectives could be easily misunderstood. Time and resources would then be wasted to gather intelligence on issues that are no longer relevant. 3. Officials in the intelligence community often faced with new policy makers or those with differing views from those in the intelligence community could decide to ignore or alter requirements to suit their ownShow MoreRelatedThe Managerial And Organizational Structure Of Code Galore Essay1334 Words   |  6 Pages1. What are the managerial, organizational, technological issues and resources related to this case? Code Galore is experiencing various issues at each level of its organizational structure. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Understanding Business Research Terms and Concepts Part 2...

Understanding Business Research Terms and Concepts: Part 2 Ming D. Lee RES/351 April 18, 2016 Dr. Linda F Florence Understanding Business Research Terms and Concepts: Part 2 Descriptive statistics Descriptive statistics suggests a straightforward quantitative outline of a data-set which has been gathered. It helps us comprehend the experimentation or data-set in-detail and tells people concerning the mandatory details that help show the data perceptively. Descriptive statistics, we just convey exactly what the data reveals and tell us. Most of the statistical averages and numbers we estimate are essentially illustrative averages. For instance the Dow Jones Industrial tells us about the typical performance of select firms. The†¦show more content†¦The research can use strategies including surveys, observation, area experiments, interviews and quantity analysis. As it is indeed diverse in technique and utilization, some researchers favor its use in numerous disciplines including advertising, medical-health, and psychology. On the possible negative aspect, â€Å"Descriptive research† can at times be used to match the requirements of the researcher. Example: when preparing a survey, one may load the survey questions to direct the reader to respond in a specific manner. Or in another instance, a comparison between two merchandise or product, it is possible to give one commodity an unfair edge to get the wanted outcome. There are two principal limits to the usage of â€Å"Inferential Statistics†. The primary and most critical limitation, which will be present in all â€Å"inferential statistics†, is that if you are supplying data of a population which you havent entirely quantified, and thus, cannot actually be entirely sure the values/numbers you compute are right. Keep in mind, â€Å"inferential statistics† are based in the notion of utilizing the values measured in an example to estimate/infer the values that might be quantified in a population; there will be a level of doubt in this way. The 2nd restriction is linked with the primary restriction. Again, there will likely beShow MoreRelatedUnderstanding Business Research Terms and Concepts Part 21644 Words   |  7 PagesUnderstanding Business Research Terms and Concepts: Part 2 Justin Wilson RES 351 Business Research 31 Mar 2015 Biman Ghosh Descriptive statistics is the term given to the analysis of data that helps describe, show or summarize data in a meaningful way such that, for example, patterns might emerge from the data. Descriptive statistics do not, however, allow us to make conclusions beyond the data we have analysed or reach conclusions regarding any hypotheses we might have made. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

How to Pursue the American Dream Free Essays

Phung Huynh ENG 111 Out Class Essay #2 Final How to Pursue the American Dream For an immigrant, the American Dream is to achieve economic well-being and a good quality of life through hard work, entrepreneurship, and perseverance. It is the driving force behind most immigration, and its realization is the achievement dimension of the American Dream to reach to the fullest life. What is the American dream? And how can one pursue it? Does it still exist, or is it over? Carl Thomas’s article â€Å" Is the American Dream Over? † states that the American Dream is still around and people have to work hard to achieve it or to reclaim it. We will write a custom essay sample on How to Pursue the American Dream or any similar topic only for you Order Now Thomas’s argument that the government is leading us to a path of economic downfall sheds light on Bob Herbert’s analysis of the recession in our country to recognize how much trouble we’re in. In particular, Thomas’s analysis of the causes, consequences, and solutions helps us understand Herbert’s essay more clearly on what the main roots to achieve a better economy and standard of living are. â€Å"For generations, parents have told their children about â€Å"the American dream. Basically it has meant building a life based on the foundational principles that created and have sustained America for more than 200 years†(568), Thomas starts off by describing how this life was supposed to be getting better and better as each new generation rose and succeeded past those of their ancestors, or that’s how it was explained in the American dream. But as of recently the recession has brought on a new style of the American dream, one that inclu des declining standards of living and over regulating government issues. He blames the government is leading us to go a wrong way and we also, as a society have become too dependent on the leaders. He lists the reasons, in his own words, â€Å" setting aside war, which was imposed on America, the eclipse of liberalism’s American dream has been largely caused by expanding, encroaching, over-taxing, over spending, and over-regulating government. This has produced a country of government addicts with an entitlement mentality† (569). Thomas does not hesitate to put direct blame about American’s failing dream on government’s policy to make people see as clear as the economy is in bad shape. He believes people should not rely on the government too much, that we have to work for our own benefit. In contrast, Thomas goes on to say that he disagrees with Herbert’s claim that those who strive for the American Dream can still earn it. Herbert claims, â€Å" we’ve become a hapless, can’t do society, and it’s. frankly embarrassing† (566), Thomas points out â€Å" is it not the politicians who lead a people increasingly dependent on them who are responsible for this? The liberals among them and their policies are leading us down a path to economic and cultural insolvency† (569). Thomas states what causes of our society is failing public schools, and produce graduates who are not up to par with other nations standards to Herbert’ claiming on economy. Herbert explains his view on how the American Dream is slowly become less and less reachable and what we need to focus on in order for the restoration of the dream. Herbert state, â€Å" wherever you choose to look at the economy and jobs, the public schools, the budget deficits, the nonstop warfare overseas–you’ll see a country in sad shape† (564). Not only does he state the factors which are slowly causing this dream to become less attainable, but he believes that the American people are doing nothing about it and everyone is in denial. Furthermore, Thomas strongly insists â€Å" the creation of a government that is out of control, and thus out of touch robs every citizen, preventing fulfillment of the original American Dream† (569). His tones in this passage is disappointed on dysfunctional government that putting their faith in the wrong place. Allowing politicians to have such a strong influence on individual takes away one’s sense of self-reliance and initiative. Cultural faith described as believing that politicians can improve personal life, he confirms that way can never lead one’s dream be fulfilled. The dream begins individuals taking responsibility for one own life, behavior and success. People should work hard and think smart to brings natural rewards. Individuals in America are free to choose what they want to do do with their lives. The American Dream is liberty. Moreover, Herbert says ,â€Å" consider this startling information from the Pew Hispanic Center: in the year following the official end of the Great Recession in June 2009, foreign-born workers in the U. S. gained 656,000 jobs while native-born workers lost 1. 2 million. † (565). He explains that American should not discriminate against these foreign-born workers, but the U. S. government needs to step up and provide everyone jobs that desire to live a comfortable lifestyle. The effects of the recession will be felt for many years due to the lack of ill-advised deficit program that has been in use for the last couple of years. Herbert claims that in order to recover from these troubled times that our country is facing, we need to step back and realize how much trouble we’re truly in. He adds,â€Å" the wreckage from the recession and the nation’s mindlessly destructive policies in the years leading up to the recession is all around us† (565). He reports the true nightmares that state and local governments have to face, and how they are reducing services, cutting work, and raising taxes and fees from American. One of the most important things back in the day was to educate the young, and it appears that America has forgotten that concept. Our school systems used to be considered the best in the world, and now that is not true. However, Thomas asserts, â€Å" the rules for achieving the American dream may no longer be taught in and supported by culture, but that doesn’t mean they don’t work† (570). His hope for reaching the American dream is that if people live with high morals and follow good conduct rules in society like studying hard, going to college and graduate degree, getting married on planning, saving and investing for retirements in right way, and being honest will end up fulfilling one’s living dream. He discusses that we need to return to the old methods of good old hard earned prosperity in other to be successful. People need to work for good fortune; it is not just handed to one on a silver platter. Thomas supports Herbert’s claim that â€Å" America will never get its act together until we recognize how much trouble we’re really in† (570). They both finally agree for one point that people have to acknowledge the obvious realistic life that we are in now. Thomas confirms one more time â€Å" we must also understand what got us here and the path that lead upward. What got us here is unrestrained liberalism† (570). He does not forget to remind us that following on the high moral rules and not laying on the leader too much. Thus, one way of resurrecting the American dream in Herbert’s opinion is to establish more jobs so that everyone can have a decent living. Herbert claims the New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s will only hurt the schools because of planning to eliminate the jobs of thousands of public school teachers over the next two years. He implies the way how government is acting to lead American people to follow in such a deep slide. He also points out that â€Å" America will never get its act together until we recognize how much trouble we’re really in, and how much effort and shared sacrifice is needed to stop the decline. Only then will we be able to begin resuscitating the dream† (567). Herbert suggests there should be a united among American people to work together to build up again the used-to-be number one strongest economy of the world – the America. As a consequence, the American Dream is something that humanity wonders about and the answers are vary. Despite of the bad conditions how today economy is, there’re abilities to rebuild it up not only how it was, but also is stronger than before. Both articles are showing to us very clear causes and consequences that presenting in our society, and how government issues is leading us down to path. Both columnists also suggest American people must realize as soon as possible the big trouble that we are in, and action need to be taken now in order to once again pursue the American Dream. Government should invest and effort into economy and education, because that’s the only way to support our new generation. Many of immigrants sacrificed their jobs, their education levels and their languages at their homelands to start their new live in America and succeed in reaching their dream. In my opinion, the American Dream embraces a sight of respective prosperity, personal safety and liberty. With America actually being seen as the land of assurances, the American Dream is an associated dream with the freedom and opportunity of recognition, power, triumph and contentment. On the other hand, American people also have to stay out of government’s control and stand on their own foot to achieve the comfortable living standard. The government should have rebuild the system to lead people getting a better life, to reach the American Dream. How to cite How to Pursue the American Dream, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

A Night of a Thousand Suicides by Teruhiko Asada Essay Example For Students

A Night of a Thousand Suicides by Teruhiko Asada Essay The novel based on actual events A Night of a Thousand Suicides by Teruhiko Asada, took place in an Australian prisoner of war camp, during World War II. The story involves captured Japanese soldiers planning an escape from an Australian POW camp. The soldiers knowing that a successful escape was most unlikely were faced with the reality of certain death. The battle came not only from their captors but mostly from within themselves. The struggle within came from their loyalty to their country, obedience to their leaders, and their own desire to die with honor. The views a Japanese solider and an American have on the value of human life greatly differs. While discussing escape plans with the other section leaders, Cpl. Hotei, says, There is not a single coward of that kind in my section. Were all ready to die defying any such order. Thats the fighting spirit of Japan Asada 17. This quote defines the spirit of the extremist views of a Japanese soldier. To be captured meant dishonor for them as well as their families. This extremist view is also displayed in the Samurais motto: The way of the Samurai was the way of death Asada 17. The soldiers in the Australian camp were not mistreated. On the contrary, they were well cared for. Despite their treatment by the Australians, a Japanese soldier would follow his leaders orders regardless of the final outcome. The idea that being captured meant dishonor to a soldier and his family was enough to drive him to die needlessly. The escape attempt took the lives of 234 Japanese soldiers. Some committed suicide prior to the escape taking place. Those who committed suicide before the escape were the invalids that were unable to attempt escaping with the others. As the escape progressed, it was apparent the Australian soldiers did not want to kill the attempting escapees, but rather they fired over their heads in an attempt to stop the revolt. This did not succeed, but instead only enticed the Japanese to continue their revolt. As a result, the Australians were forced to kill the escaping prisoners. The actions of the Australians were that of people who valued human life. They did what was in their power to give the Japanese an opportunity to stop and save their own lives. With the Samurai warrior mindset, this was not an option. To stop the revolt would mean dishonor. The thought of being dishonored was greater than the fear of death. The soldiers must continue. How does this differ from the way an American feels towards being captured? To fully understand why the captured soldiers felt that their intentions were honorable is intriguing. If the soldiers were being mistreated or abused in the camp one could better understand the resistance, but this was not the case. They had convinced themselves and each other that to be moved would be a disgrace to their country and each other. If the soldiers thought it disgraceful to be moved, why did they not think it disgraceful to be captured? Being captured and take prisoner does not define dishonor. What price is placed on human life? In countries around the world, human life is held in the highest value. It is apparent the Australians felt this way, therefore, they did not immediately shoot to kill the Japanese soldiers, but rather gave them warning shots. The Japanese, on the other hand, felt that death in this manner was be coming of a Japanese solider. In summary, loyalty, honor, and obedience are the main focal points. .u8eeb1e92d362cdbda1b1792e08f365a7 , .u8eeb1e92d362cdbda1b1792e08f365a7 .postImageUrl , .u8eeb1e92d362cdbda1b1792e08f365a7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8eeb1e92d362cdbda1b1792e08f365a7 , .u8eeb1e92d362cdbda1b1792e08f365a7:hover , .u8eeb1e92d362cdbda1b1792e08f365a7:visited , .u8eeb1e92d362cdbda1b1792e08f365a7:active { border:0!important; } .u8eeb1e92d362cdbda1b1792e08f365a7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8eeb1e92d362cdbda1b1792e08f365a7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8eeb1e92d362cdbda1b1792e08f365a7:active , .u8eeb1e92d362cdbda1b1792e08f365a7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8eeb1e92d362cdbda1b1792e08f365a7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8eeb1e92d362cdbda1b1792e08f365a7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8eeb1e92d362cdbda1b1792e08f365a7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8eeb1e92d362cdbda1b1792e08f365a7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8eeb1e92d362cdbda1b1792e08f365a7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8eeb1e92d362cdbda1b1792e08f365a7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8eeb1e92d362cdbda1b1792e08f365a7 .u8eeb1e92d362cdbda1b1792e08f365a7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8eeb1e92d362cdbda1b1792e08f365a7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Night Analysis EssayThe Japanese soldiers held honor in the highest regard. They were loyal to their country and obedient to their leaders. The honor that they portrayed in battle would not only honor them but their family as well. Could a lesson be learned from the Japanese soldiers? Yes! We all need to be loyal to our country, defend our beliefs, and be obedient to our leaders. Yet, we must also have our own clear minds and ask ourselves, will the tasks at hand show our loyalty, honor, and obedience? If the answer is no, then the solution may need to be reconsidered.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Focused Differentiation Essay Example

Focused Differentiation Essay Example Focused Differentiation Essay Focused Differentiation Essay This type of strategy works on targeting narrow market niche where buyers needs and preferences are distinctively different. It offers attributes that appeal specifically to the niche member and more often they can be custom made. Marketing of the product under this kind of strategy is by communicating how product offering does the best hob of meeting niche buyers expectations. The key to sustain this kind of strategy is by staying committed serving the niche better that the competitors Non Stop Yachts is pursuing which type of generic strategy?What is attractive about the strategy and what are the risks for Non Stop Yachts? Among the above-mentioned generic competitive strategies, NSY is using broad differentiation strategy through sell supplies and parts for mega-yacht. The company offers a wide selection of products under different brand names. It is a one-stop shop through the Internet. They just give the information and specification of every product so that the customers have a wide range of options to choose from.With, the company became a web based purchasing agent and can be accessed by customers in any part of the world through the use of Internet offering parts and supplies needed by the mega-yachts. This unique appealing attribute allows the company to increase unit sales. The competitive advantage of the company is their ability to serve their customers wherever they are because of the wide range of network of suppliers, the flexibility of the cost structure and the transparency of the billing. : Although this type of strategy of NSY was risky because not all that visit the site are sure customers.There is a great chance that they will just be used as a source of information for customers. There is also a possibility that those traditional purchasing agents will open their own e-commerce site. So apart from the regular customers that they have they can widen their market through the use of e-commerce. Evaluate Non Stop Yacht’s value chain to determine whether there is potential for low-cost leadership, competitively valuable differentiating attributes, or a best-cost provider advantage in relation to competition.The NSY Value Chain Value chains consist of the steps in adding value towards the final production of marketable goods and services. It maps the range map activities and business function required to bring a product or service to the market, from conception and design to the extraction of raw materials and then all the steps involved in developing the product or services into its final purchase form. The value chain runs from conception to consumption and incorporates all the aspects of production, distribution and exchange.According to (Porter 1980) it can be illustrated using the figure below Inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales and services are the primary activities in the company. Firm infrastructure, human resource management, technology development and procurement are the secondary activities. A new face for value chain can describe the activities inside the Non Stop Yacht e-commerce business. For a business like this that is dependent on the online community, the value chain can be described in the following manner:Awareness in business like this means generating traffic, driving visitors to visit and look at your site. Non Stop Yacht make efforts to make the public know that this site exists by securing high placement among the more popular search engines for key word search. However, this does not work well for the company because the growth in sales was small. Being a strict Internet based business does not work for NSY. So to make the customers know that their company exist they transfer to a public accessible area and put some computers that can be used by yacht crew.Non Sop Yacht new business model, from Purely Inter Based business to Hybrid brick and mortar enterprise, make the company more accessible to the yacht crew. Especially when they put a new office in Palma Spain and advertise the company’s site in three major publications that were frequently read and referenced by captains and crews: Professional Yachtsman’s Association News, The Yacht Report and Showboats. Attendance of Non Stop Team in major boat shows in Europe and United States helped the company. Interest.When captains and crews learned the existence of an online purchasing agent named Non Stop Yacht. They become interested in learning what are the new offerings of this company that make it different from the existing purchasing agencies. Non Stop Yacht provided a compelling value proposition to the crew of super yacht and mega-yacht , which includes: An up-to-date catalogue on CD Automatic accounting for the captain or yacht management company Password protected expenditure level for captains and engineersAutomatic receipt copies Link into maintenance scheduling software if used on the yacht Easy re-ordering of parts or group of parts Intelligent add-on sales with instant access to available options Product picture and parts diagram NO time zone issues This hassle free online purchasing offered by Non Stop create desire to the yacht owners, captains and crew to place an order for their yacht parts and supply requirements. Once the order is placed, NSY has to verify the authenticity of the order before delivering it to the customer.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

To Serve God and Wal-Mart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

To Serve God and Wal-Mart - Essay Example Moreton has brought out the family unit as a very instrumental part in the general success of the company. She draws the rise of the values regarded by the family focusing on reproduction and sexuality in conjunction with the rise in service economy as a result of the shift to the reproductive industry from the initial production industries. The family issue in this case according to Merton, meant the rural people of Ozark whose main economic activity was farming as opposed to the urban forks in the northern states that were more of industrialists. The people in Ozark and most populist southern states were against the springing up of chain stores in their neighborhood because they were owned by the wealthy northerners and they resulted in loss of employment and low income to the locals who were trying to compete against them. Walton employed the local people in his chains and subsequently allowed them to own shares in the store and other stores that are being opened. This idea was ta ken up enthusiastically by the family and the locals, because they felt that the chains belonged to them thus less resistance from the locals. Her argument seems convincing because the locals and the chain managers worked hard to maintain their steady profits apart from their salary because they too had invested there. Most large chain companies concentrated in large towns where there were many customers, this is evidence to the fact that Wal-Mart grew easily due to lack of competition in the rural south where it existed alone. In this manner the Wal-Mart rode on the popularity it gained amongst the locals to avoid commercial advertisements and opened more and more stores with the help of the locals, this support was even higher as a resulting of being listed in the stock exchange which brought more capital to expand to other large cities. The cheapest price as the best deal was made to look solidly as a Christian virtue by the Wal-Mart so that the saved money is channeled to other family businesses. Christianity which was the main religion in Ozark and United States in general determined how people conducted themselves and the various virtues that governed the society in addition to recognition of Jesus Christ as the son of God, therefore people are expected to emulate the way He led His life while on Earth. The service leadership popularity in various business and evangelical publications which brought the issue of servant leadership that advocated for feminine, reproductive labor, taken to a higher level in ideological significance, being humble, and men being advised to be active at home so that they keep their promise and to be good examples of leaders at work like Jesus. To emphasize this point, women were to recognize the male leadership as advocated in the Bible even if it meant only in a symbolic manner, this soft patriarch made it easier for the men and women to work together because women could not complain considering the fact that they were to do the work as Christians, providing services cheerfully to others and cherish that opportunity. This changed the negative job attitude to a positive one. The low wages paid to the workers made it easier for Wal-Mart to continue selling their products cheaply and outdo other competitors. Mr. Walton had

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Market structures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Market structures - Essay Example Since the market power is equitably distributed among the sellers in this market who sell homogenous products the markets generally have a downward sloping demand curve. On the other hand the individual firm will face a horizontal demand curve as the price would be set by the market and it will be given to the individual seller. While the market equilibrium of a perfect competition would be at the point of intersection of the demand the supply curve, the individual firm will produce at the point where Marginal Cost curve cuts the Average cost curve from below. In this figure the firm will earn only normal profits as the firm has to supply the products in the market at the price which is equal to the cost of production of the company. Source: Arnold, 2013 Characteristics There is no barrier to entry or exit in this type of market. Any firm may easily come into the competitive scenario and may leave the market without having a major effect on the demand and supply in the market. The fi rms sell homogenous products which mean that the buyers would be indifferent between the sellers who offer the products in the market. ... Each of the firms has a single portion of the market share. The production will take place at the point where ATC curve is tangent to the market demand curve instead of the point where the MC curve cuts the ATC curve from below. Source: Arnold, 2013 Characteristics: The products sold in a monopolistic competition are a differentiated product which means they are not perfect substitutes of one another. The produces have some control over the market price and hence there is excess capacity in the process of production. The quantity produced would be less compared to that of perfectly competitive markets. Monopoly In a monopoly market there is a single seller and a large number of buyers. Since the entire market power is in the hands of the single seller the price is set above the price that is present in the perfectly competitive markets. The monopolist will produce at the point where MR is equal to MC. This is depicted in the diagram below. Source: Varian, 2010 Characteristics In case of a monopolist there is presence of excess capacity and the quantity produced is less than that of the competitive markets. There is high barrier to enter the monopolistic market is very high. Oligopoly An oligopolistic market is that which has a few sellers and a large number of buyers. The market power is distributed among the sellers of the markets. There may be different types of oligopolistic competition. While some firms may be fighting price competition the others would fight the quantity competition. Characteristics The firms in the oligopolistic markets are the price setters. The barriers to entry in this type of market are high. Answer 2 The market for fresh vegetables in the city is an example of perfectly competitive market. In this market there are a large number of

Monday, November 18, 2019

Discussion 2 Week 11 Best Practices Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion 2 Week 11 Best Practices - Assignment Example nagerial economics provided the theoretical frameworks for understanding the concept of demand and supply; as well as illuminating practitioners on differences in market structures (McGuigan, Moyer and Harris). From the experience in Katrina’s Candies, it was revealed that there are pricing strategies that should be applied depending on the market structure that the organization is in: either in an oligopoly or monopolist structure. Likewise, forecasting tools are analytical techniques which provide insights to the organization’s decision makers in terms of evaluating options according to anticipated results. The value of forecasting lies in the accuracy of identifying factors which could significantly affect the plans of the firm. As such, it is best practice to apply it and it helps in making responsible decisions based on projected goals. Finally, globalization takes into account increasing pressures for more competitors. As such, there is a need to undertake market research to discern the most-likely reaction and response of competitors should external factors affect the industry. The recession that affected the global market required application of transformed strategies to adapt and adjust to changes in demand and supply. As such, the reactions of competitors are useful inputs to work

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A Man For All Seasons Essay example -- essays research papers

For a truly Christian man, nothing is more important than preparing the immortal soul for the next life. In the play, â€Å"A Man For All Seasons,† Sir Thomas Moore is a devout Christian–apparent due to his unceasing prayers, vast humbleness, devotion to his family, and his ardency in maintaining the truth. His refusal to obey King Henry VIII shows that he believes strongly in life after death, for going against the King of England in Renaissance Era ensured swift, lethal retribution. The only way that Sir Thomas might have remained alive was to swear to the Act of Succession, which violated his deepest convictions about religion. Being a Christian, Sir Thomas decided to let God be the judge of those who endorsed the oath to avoid the wrath of King Henry and remain on earth for an amount of time that would surely pass. Fearing not for his life but for the verdict on his immortal soul, Sir Thomas Moore decided to defend the truth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The corruption of Renaissance England is obvious all the way from the church to the monarchy–clutching cardinals, lords, bishops, and even kings in its nearly inescapable grasp. Wishing to gain greater material wealth, those in high places often bent the rules, told lies, and threatened underlings to attain that which they desired. Sir Thomas Moore, however, made no false pretenses–he truly believed in Christianity and its siblings honesty, charity, and integrity. He was not one to compromise hi...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Titanic History

As the Titanic sped across the North Atlantic on Sunday 14th April, 1912, it picked up a series of messages from other ships in the area warning about ice. Captain Smith was firm in hid belief that his ship was in no danger, and was urged on by Bruce Ismay the ship's owner, to prove the vessel's speed and reliability by setting to New York earlier than expected. â€Å"Full speed ahead,† remained the instruction, and although the captain steered the ship 25.7 km (16 miles) to the south before turning towards New York, no other notice was taken of the increasingly detailed reports about ice ahead. Where did these reports of icebergs ahead come from? From other ships by the use of wireless radio. The use of wireless on board a ship was still a novelty at the time of the Titanic's maiden voyage. Two radio operators were employed by Marconi rather then White Star Liner. Their names were Jack Phillips and Harold Bride. Radio operators spent their time dealing with personal messages and did not need to be on 24 hour duty. As the Titanic steamed westwards towards the ice it received nine messages – by telegraph and signal lamp – warning of danger ahead. Although not all of these messages reached the bridge the message from the German steamer Amerika sent about 4 hours before the Titanic hit the ice berg, was passed to Captain Smith in person. The night of 14th April was clear and bitterly cold. As a routine precaution, the lookout men up in the crow's-nest were warned to watch out for icebergs. Because it was such a clear night everyone thought there would be plenty of time to avoid any obstacle in the sea. But large ships at full speed do not turn quickly or easily, and when lookout Fredrick Fleet spotted an iceberg, at about 11:40 pm, it was too late to avoid a collision. As the ship approached Fredrick realised that the iceberg was considerably bigger than what he first saw. The titanic struck the iceberg at a glancing blow on the starboard side (right) of its hull and damaged appeared only slight. The iceberg was supposedly 30 meters over the deck but did little damage to the upper decks. However, below the waterline, and out of sight of the crew on the bridge, the iceberg punched a series of gashes and holes along 76 meters of the hull. The ship had 42 watertight bulkheads, but only 12 at the very bottom of the ship, could be closed electrically from the bridge. The rest had to be closed by hand. Some were left open, and others reopened to make it easier for the water pumps. Should a collision occur, the theory was that the ship would still float with two compartment flooded, or even with all four of the smaller bow compartments flooded. However, the bulkheads only reached three meters above the waterline allowing water to slop over from one compartment to another, thereby defeating the purpose of the bulkheads. At 12:05 am, 25 minutes after the collision, Captain Smith realised the extent of the damage to the Titanic and gave the order to abandon ship. For the next two hours total confusion reigned. There had been no lifeboat drill since leaving Southampton, and neither passengers nor crew knew where to go or what to do in the circumstances. Many felt it was safer to remain on deck than to be lowered into the freezing Atlantic aboard a lifeboat. Tragically, not one officer realized the lifeboats could be lowered fully laden. Had they done so a total of 1,178 people could have been saved rather than 706. As the lifeboats slid down the side of the Titanic, a flurry of activity took place on deck. The radio operators sent out distress signals. Officers on the bridge flashed messages by Morse signal lamps and fired rockets high into the sky to attract the attention of any passing ships. Yet despite all these actions, it was hard for many people to believe that this vast liner was capable of sinking. In order to attract any nearby ships, Fourth Officer Boxhall fired the fired of about eight powerful rocket signals at 12:45 am. Each signal sent up at five minute intervals was launched from the bridge and soared 240 meters into the air before exploding into a shower of light. As the Titanic slipped lower and lower into the water those left on board when the last of the lifeboats had departed were either gripped by a sense of panic or resign to their fate. As the ship plunged deeper into the sea, the stern rose up into the air, causing a tidal wave of passengers to fall of deck, some into the wreckage, others into the icy sea. The Titanic met it's horrific ending. It was Captain Smith's fault It was the shipbuilder's fault It was Bruce Ismay's fault It was Thomas Andrew's fault Why did the Titanic Sink? â€Å"We have struck iceberg †¦ sinking fast †¦ come to our assistance.† The ship was doomed and it was slowly sliding into its watery grave. But why did the largest, most advanced ship of the century sink? Recommendations on how a disaster could be avoided in the future. * That the provision of lifeboat and raft accommodation on board such ships should be based on the number of persons intended to be carried in the ship and not upon tonnage. * That all boats should be fitted with a protective, continuous fender, to lessen the risk of damage when being lowered in a seaway. * That in cases where the deck hands are not sufficient to man the boats enough other members of the crew should be men trained in boat work to make up the deficiency. These men should be required to pass a test in boat work. * That the men who are to man the boats should have more frequent drills. That in all ships a boat drill, a fire drill and a watertight door drill should be held as soon as possible after leaving the original port of departure and at convenient intervals of not less than once a week during the voyage. Such drills to be recorded in the official log. * That every man taking a look-out in such ships should undergo a site test at reasonable intervals. * That all such ships there should be an installation of wireless telegraphy, and that such installation should be worked with a sufficient number of trained operators to secure a continuous service by night and day

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Tempest and The Explorers essays

The Tempest and The Explorers essays You taught me language , and my profit ont Is, I know how to curse.The red plague rid you for learning me your language! Caliban. The two texts The Tempest and The Explorers are shown to be both highly influenced by the time period in which they were composed.The targeted audience also played a significant role in the formation,language and ideas conveyed within the texts. The most notable influence and theme throughout the tempest would have to be Montaignes essay On Cannibals in which he continually asserts that what is natural is synomous with what is good, and that nature herself ought to be the light which human action is guided. Shakespeare incorporates this theory in the character of Caliban, the mere name Caliban mirrors the word Cannibal. Both Montaigne and Shakespeare explore the relationship between nature and modern civilisation. Montaignes idealisation of cannibals contrasts sharply with Shakespeares portrayal of the brutish Caliban. Shakespeares cannibal (Caliban) appears to be as pathetic,crass and vulgar as any individual can possibly be portrayed Calibans first speech emphasises the conflict that arises from his lack of gratitude towards his master. Prospero, having drawn Caliban away from his savagery and towards modernity, believes that Caliban owes him a debt of gratitude. Caliban essentially feels betrayed and this is evident in the tone and language used to address Prospero in his first speech: This Islands mine by Sycorax my mother,which thou takst from me. When thou camst first, Thou strokst me and made much of me...... .......and then I loved thee........... For I am all the subjects that you have,Which first was mine own king, and here you sty me in th...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Careers in law are open to all and the legal profession is sufficiently diverse. Discuss. The WritePass Journal

Careers in law are open to all and the legal profession is sufficiently diverse. Discuss. Introduction Careers in law are open to all and the legal profession is sufficiently diverse. Discuss. IntroductionBibliographyCasesRelated Introduction As a minority group, women have traditionally remained underrepresented within the legal profession. Whilst careers in law may, theoretically, be open to all, the reality is that due to the physiological make-up, maternalistic nature and historical suppression of women in society they have struggled to break entry into the traditionally male-dominated and elitist profession. This essay will argue that although efforts have and are continuing to be made to make a career in the law accessible for women, one could argue that the profession cannot yet be deemed sufficiently diverse as challenges continue to face women who elect to work with this profession. This essay will begin by summarising the history of the position of women in society, move to look to the challenges that face women and employers and finally, summarise steps that can be taken in an effort to eliminate such restraints. Women have fought a long battle against subordination. As late as the twentieth century, in England and Wales, women remained legally subordinate to men. In other cultures, this position remains in practice today. In England and Wales, coverture referred to the rights of women being subsumed by those of her husband through common law marriage. This legal doctrine left women without an identity and gave her husband control of her, her property and the custody of her children. Marital rape was not outlawed until R v R came before the House of Lords in 1992. Society saw women merely as objects of their husbands. It was not acceptable for women to study medicine or law or to engage in politics. Liberal ideals were quashed by the belief that women were irrational, temperamentally unfit to deal with such subjects and their place was in the home being a subservient wife and maternal parent. During the war effort, in particular, women proved that they were capable of holding down important r oles within the workforce and society more generally, and were seen as rational and intelligent in their thinking as their male counterparts. Women were granted suffrage in 1928 through the Equal Franchise Act and have since broken down the barriers into almost all professions. Despite, in theory, women having the ability to do everything a man can do, challenges remain that make it difficult to suggest that men and women are truly equal. Both society and the legal profession now support women embarking on careers within the industry. By 2008-9, 60% of all new admissions to the Roll were women and 52% of those called to the Bar in the same year were women. The Bar society indicated that in 2009, 34% of barristers were women. These figures demonstrate that women now make up over a third of all barristers, however, barristers are usually well educated and often from high socioeconomic standing, so this figure does not fully represent whether the legal profession is diverse for the average woman. Statistical evidence also proves that women still struggle to be appointed to the highest positions within the legal profession. Few women are promoted to Queen’s Counsel and the first woman to sit within the House of Lords was only appointed to this position in 2003. Women are traditionally paid lower than men. The Equal Pay Act 1970 has attempted to solve the disparity between the male and female pay gap, however, it is not uncommon for a case of this nature to arise. Recently, an employee sued her employer, Lewis Silkin, on the grounds that she was being paid lower than a male counterpart. Arguments suggest that due to the more emotional, sensitive and maternalistic nature of women in comparison to men, often women opt to specialise in different areas of law, such as family or personal injury law rather than male dominated specialisms, such as corporate or banking law. Family and personal injury law are also often less high-profile and do not hinge on lucrative deals so the specialisms are often not as well paid. To dismiss a woman for falling pregnant and wanting maternity leave is unfair dismissal. Pregnancy does, however, play an important role in this debate. Most employers would assume that a young woman will take a break to have a baby in the future and the fact that having a child is traditionally less disruptive to the work life of a man, it makes the male counterpart a cheaper and safer option in the long-term. A break in work is seen as disruptive and employers need to fill that position during the maternity leave, effectively causing the employer to pay twice for the same job to be completed. In a time when employers are facing tough economic times, having reliable staff that do not have to be replaced for extended durations appears, on face value, to be commercially viable option. Furthermore, there is a concern for the employer that childcare issues may cause disruption and lost working hours when the employee does return. Legal professionals who are self-employed, such as barris ters, can find the transition far more difficult in terms of covering their living costs and retaining clients during maternity leave and the stress of a new baby when they later return to work. In 2004, the Bar Council published policies that cover the issues of maternity, paternity and flexible working hours in an attempt to balance family life and legal practice. To actively reflect this aim, the policy has increased the time a barrister’s seat may be open rent free with Chamber’s expenses from three months to one year. In Heard and another v Sinclair Roche and Temperley (a firm) and others, it was ruled that the firm had unlawfully discriminated on the grounds of family status and combined with unlawful sex discrimination, constituted unfair treatment. This claim arose when the firm failed to promote or progress the individual. The firm had a total of 36 partners and only 6 were women. This case suggested that women are also less likely to be appointed to managerial positions, particularly if the dominating power is male. Other arguments suggest that women are more emotional than men and office politics are more present. Webley suggests that women struggle to progress in the profession for a variety of reasons including masculine office culture, the pressure of working long hours and high billing targets and dissatisfaction with commodification’s effect on work quality. In terms of the legal profession, lawyers represent the legal position of their client and to do so, must relate well and truly understand the situation of their client. If all lawyers were men, one could question whether women in society could ever be adequately represented by the legal profession. There is an argument to say that there is as much a place for women in the profession as men, as women solve problems in a different way, can be more compassionate and can balance an all-male work environment. Parliament has made attempts to allow greater access to the legal profession to minority groups by enacting legislation such as the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990. The main purpose of this enactment was to reform the legal profession after the findings of the Benson Commission in the 1970s. To the judiciary, in particular, important changes were made to appointments and pensions and significant changes were implemented towards the organisation and regulation of the legal profession. The Constitutional Reform Act 2005 later recommended that an independent body should be created to deal with the appointment of judges, which came after criticism from the Law Society regarding the old system. Such legislative and societal support towards the accessibility and diversity of the legal profession should instil a hopefulness into affected women that the profession is moving in the right direction. There have been several attempts by the profession itself to promote and encourage accessibility and diversity. The PRIME initiative saw 23 UK and Irish law firms come together to form a ground-breaking initiative to increase social mobility through a wide ranging work experience scheme. Whilst this initiative focused more on socioeconomic status rather than gender, the results suggest that real opportunities within the legal profession have been offered to those who are otherwise unlikely to have been given the opportunity. In conclusion, the legal profession is not yet sufficiently diverse. Both historical and contemporary statistics prove a bias towards men due to the maternalistic nature of women. Statistics demonstrate a trend that the profession is moving in the right direction in terms of equality, diversity and accessibility for women, however, the battle for truly equal treatment, rights and pay for both genders is an ongoing issue within the legal profession, as it is in society generally. Historically, women were refrained from having an identity and practicing within the legal profession because they were considered irrational and incapable. Whilst that perception has clearly disappeared, which is a positive shift, women still face challenges due to the physiological differences between men and women. These differences will never change and unless there is a shift in the mentality of employers’, these are likely to be challenges that remain for the duration. One could argue that the ba ttle between equality and diversity within the legal profession and commercial viability for business owners will never truly resolve. Bibliography Deborah, L. ‘Title of the article’ [2001] Women and the Legal Profession 156 Fredman, S. ‘Discrimination Law’ (New York, United States: Oxford University Press Inc, 2001) Leighton, P. ‘Discrimination and the Law’ (Camp Road, London: Short Run Press, 2004) Macdonald, L. ‘Equality, Diversity and Discrimination’ (Camp Road, London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, 2004) McColgan, A. ‘Discrimination Law’ (North, America: Hart Publishing Co, 2nd edn., 2005). Roach Anleu, S. ‘Law and Social Change’ (City Road, London: Sage Publication Limited, 2000) Sargeant, M. ‘Discrimination Law’ (Essex, England: Pearson Education Limited, 2004) Sommerland, H., Webley, D., Duff, L., Muzio, D., Tomlinson, J. ‘Diversity in the Legal Profession in England and Wales: A Qualitative Study of Barriers and Individual Choices’ Suddards, H. ‘Sex and Race Discrimination’ (Camp Road, London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, 2nd edn., 2002) Webley, L., Duff, L. ‘Women Solicitors as a Barometer for Problems within the Legal Profession: Time to Put Values before Profits?’ (2007) 34 Journal of Law and Society 374 Wilkins, D. ‘Rollin on the River: Race, Elite Schools, and the Equality Paradox’ (2000) 25 Law and Social Inquiry 527 Cases Heard and another v Sinclair Roche and Temperley (a firm) and others [2004] All ER (D) 432 (Jul) R v R [1992] 1 A.C. 599 Legislation Constitutional Reform Act 2005 Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 Equal Franchise Act 1928 Equal Pay Act 1970

Monday, November 4, 2019

Marketing transportation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Marketing transportation - Essay Example One way that firms can save is through the reduction of plastic bags, as they have a detrimental effect on the environment. One strategy that a firm could use is to encourage recycling among its customers. The benefits would be mutual is this instance because both parties would be helping to contribute. 12. Carrier tariffs and classification go a long way to improving the performance of logistics systems. This is because a packing firm must try to take advantage of equipment’s weight and volume capabilities. Also, there is less chance of products being damaged because of the way the goods are packed in. 18. Of the 10 materials handling principles in this chapter, the two that are the most surprising to me is the ergonomics principle and the environmental principle. For the first one, I would have thought that machines would have been in charge of this process and not human workers. For the second principle, I would have thought that the fast and most efficient systems would be used and not the most environmentally-friendly. 2. The most obvious difference between a fragmented logistics structure and a unified logistics structure is that the former involves logistics being managed across multiple departments, whereas a unified logistics structure only uses one department. One downside to a fragmented logistics structure is that logistics activities are organized by individual departments based on their own needs rather than those of the firm. On the other hand, a unified logistics structure has more cooperation through an organization. 5. Relevancy focuses on satisfying current and future customer needs, and this is done through mutually beneficial relationships. Responsiveness shows how an organization reacts to an unexpected or unplanned change. For this one, it is important that the key players in an organization are given correct information from which to base decisions from. Flexibility is a mix

Friday, November 1, 2019

Supplements, nutrients, and stored energy to the proper function of Essay

Supplements, nutrients, and stored energy to the proper function of the human body - Essay Example Nutritional supplements are products from foods used for the support of good health and treatment of illnesses. According to the dietary supplement health and education act (DSHEA), supplements are not foods put contain the elements in the food that increase their supply to the body. â€Å"The supplements contain one or more ingredients of the diet including minerals, vitamins and amino acid† (Liddle and Connor, P. 487). The use of supplements and energy stores is high due to an increase in demand of energy that cannot be provided through food intake during any particular incidence of a meal. The demand for this energy is to promote weight gain, enhance weight loss or improve the performance of athletes. Vitamins and minerals as supplements contain micronutrients that are responsible for enhancing the normal hormonal and chemical functions of the body. These supplements are important for enhancing the reproductive functionality of hormones, as well as other endocrine functions of the body. Botanical (herbal) supplements are ingested for their medical functions in the body. â€Å"The botanical supplements are taken to support specific areas of functionality of the body† (Calbet et al., P. 1005). These areas could be for the improvement of the liver, skin, bone or kidney function, thus are important for the improvement of the efficiency in the functionality of the targeted part. â€Å"Supplements and energy stores are composed of combinations of two or more of the eight key nutrients that are important for the proper functionality of the body† (Frary, Johnson, and Wang, P. 56). Calcium is one of the eight key nutrients that is important for bone formation, muscle contraction and helps in the transmission of nerve cell messages. Calcium is chiefly derived from the dairy foods but can also be acquired from vegetables like

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

To write an executive summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

To write an executive summary - Essay Example An agile project typically uses several repetitions or deliveries of software instead of waiting up to the end of the project being undertaken in order to provide one product. Projects with heavy constraints, inexperienced and dispersed teams, huge risks, generally clear and up-front requirements, and a rigid completion date are often carried out by utilizing a predictive or traditional approach. This is attributable to the conservative and safe nature of the traditional approach. Projects with less rigid constraints, experienced and co-located teams, smaller risks, unclear requirements and more flexible scheduling would be appropriately done using agile approach. The findings also indicates that in any case, managing projects still involves actions in each of the project management processes namely initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing. Scrum is the leading and main agile development methodology for completing projects with a complex and innovative scope of work In conclusion, a firm can still use the five process groups involved in project management to manage an agile project while at the same using the unique aspects of a spectrum approach. The amplified interest in agile project management technique is grounded partly on the anticipation that it will somehow make project management easier. The scrum process offers a simplified method and process of managing complex and innovative range of work. Many individuals believe that using the agile approach to managing projects is totally different from a more traditional or predictive approach. This is not true as the project management process group, which is, initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling and closing can also be used in an agile approach but with different terms, techniques and outputs. The agile approach is often more

Monday, October 28, 2019

Cinderella - Family Therapy Essay Example for Free

Cinderella Family Therapy Essay Cinderella’s case conceptualized using a Bowenian transgenerational model According to Bowen, one of the pioneers of family therapy, family can be understood as an emotional unit, which can be best analyzed through a multigenerational framework. Cinderella’s story, which was told by many professional storytellers, including brothers Grimm (19 century) and Charles Perrault (17 century), as many other famous fairytales lacks many important details and characters’ descriptions that a therapist would need for administering family treatment involving transgenerational model. If we would speculate knowing some information about Cinderella’s family members, the transgenerational model would work beautifully. A chronic anxiety of Cinderella, her unstable, submissive behavior, could be explained by anxiety transmitted over several generations. Goldenbergs bring our attention to a few important emotional patterns of an individual:†the selection of a spouse with similar differentiation level and the family projection process that results in lower level of self-differentiation† (p. 89, 2008). Bowen would even build a prognosis for Cinderella’s children to have a reduced level of self-differentiation and being increasingly vulnerable to anxiety (Goldenberg Goldenberg, 2008). Bowen emphasized that the multigenerational transmission programs not only the levels of self – differentiation, but also programs family’s roles and interactions. Cinderella’s marital problems could be understood very well through the lens of her family behaviours (The Bowen Center, n. d. ). My only major concern about application of transgenerational model in Cinderella’s case would be the early death of Cinderella’s parents ( her genogram is hard to build) and her latter life with the wicket, very directive stepmother, who evidently influenced Cinderella’s fragile and indecisive mind structure. Cinderella’s ability and inability to build attachments to her family members, which were not all â€Å"angels†, should be also considered when providing her with a therapy. Once again, her attachment to her loving father, her godfairy, her stepmother and stepsisters, could be easily incorporated into transgenerational model. Cinderella’s case conceptualized through Bowen’s concepts of triangulation. According to Goldenberg and Goldenberg (2008), the Bowen’s concept of triangulation would allow understanding better Cinderella’s marital problems. Probably, a few first years of Cinderella’s marriage were happy, because it was a big relieve for her to escape the stepmother cruelty. However, even her first marital years could have some initial problems. For example, the prince, who was brought up in a â€Å"normal† family, could not understand or could not believe Cinderella’s stories she told about her family. He would smile when she would share her violent memories with him. The prince mistrust and his ironic smile could initiate some negative feelings and despair in Cinderella. In this case, the stepmother’s figure would be present in Cinderella-prince conflict through Cinderella’s stories. It is particularly interesting that the third person does not need necessarily be present to create a conflict in triangulation (The Bowen Center, n. d. ). When children were born from a person (or two persons) with low self-differentiation, many other triangles and possible shifts and tensions could occur. Cinderella’s case and the object-relations model Goldenberg and Goldenberg (2008) provide a deep insight into Cinderella’s story based on the object-relation model, which is connected to the early Freudian concept of mother-child bonds. Even though the Cinderella’s relationship with her mother was very short before her mother past away, it appeared to be a foundation of many Cinderella’s later issues, such as her idealization of some women characters (godmother; later, some older women-friends), a few conflicts between her ego and id, suffering from deprivation of early attachments, developing insecurity and low self-esteem, and others. All these issues that the object-relations model would discover, could be projected to Cinderella’s later marital problems. A person who survived a trauma of loosing her both parents and the hardship of living with evil stepmother and stepsisters could have a lot of troubled thoughts and experiences that could be projected into her relationship with her spouse and children. I believe that the object-relations model (psychodynamic in its core) could provide the best insight when dealing with Cinderella’s marital problems.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

One to One Communication :: Communication Body Language Health Care Essays

One to One Communication To practice one to one communication I spoke to someone who regularly attends the ‘Princess of Wales’ Hospital, Bridgend for physiotherapy on his knee after an operation 6 months ago. From this interaction I found that the service from the NHS was satisfactory and adequate, but could use some improvements. I spoke to the patient mainly about waiting times for appointments and operations, as that appeared to be the main cause for concern. I conducted the one to one interaction in the patient’s living room, so that the surroundings were familiar to him and he would feel more at ease. As the room was decorated in warm colours it created a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere, which contributed to making it easier to open up and talk freely. Skill Used ========== Comment ======= Body language I used open and friendly body language towards the client and didn’t cross my arms or anything so that I didn’t come across as intimidating. This is because body language makes a great impact on interaction. Gestures I regularly used hand gestures to put emphasis on what I was saying as gestures are a strong part of effective communication. Eye contact I regularly maintained eye contact with the client during my interaction. This helped to show that I was interested in what he had to say and also so that he knew when it was his turn to speak. Facial expressions I used appropriate facial expressions to match my topic of conversation so not to confuse the client, and to show interest in what he had to say. Open questions Open questions require extended answers and make the client feel that their opinions are valued. I tried to use mostly open questions to facilitate the conversation and so that the conversation flowed and did not feel like an interrogation. Closed questions I tried not to ask many closed questions, unless I needed more specific information, as they can make people feel uncomfortable and inhibit conversation. Probes and prompts I used probes and prompts to make the client give more in depth information and to help him to think more about the subject that I was questioning them on. I used prompts to help the client understand what I was asking by suggesting a possible answer. Paraphrasing To check that I had heard and understood the client properly I used paraphrasing as a way of reflecting back to him. Paraphrasing also helped him to clarify exactly what it is they were saying, because he had to listen to the paraphrase and work out whether that is what he meant to say. The particular individuals involved, the relationship between the individuals, the subject of the communication and the physical

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Copyright vs. the Right to Copy Essay -- Computers Technology Internet

Copyright vs. the Right to Copy Today's digital technology and the computer have changed how the average consumer can acquire information and entertainment. No longer do we have to wait for the CD to hear a new song, or the release date to watch a movie. The technology is available on our home computers. But is this an infringement on copyright? What about the rights of artists, authors, producers, or actors? Has our technology progressed so far that it infringes on these peoples' livings? It is only a matter of time before laws are passed regarding Internet use. Are we ready to give up the freedom we have had up to this point? In her essay "The Digital Rights War", Pamela Samuelson states that " The new future of technically protected information is so far from the ordinary person's experience that few of us have any clue about what is at stake". (Samuelson 316) With today's technology consumers can download almost anything from their computer and copy it onto a CD Rom or to an MP3 player. Pirated copies of songs from CDs that are not yet released or movies that are still in the theaters are put on the Internet available for anyone to use or copy. These are extreme examples of the problem at hand. What lengths do we need to go to in protecting artists' rights? Pirating is nothing new. When I was in high school bootleg copies of concerts were available to buy on cassette. There will always be some people that don't follow the law, and even if we tighten up current copyrighting laws those people will find a way around them. The average consumer may download songs or articles from the Internet, but they do not distribute them or reproduce them. If they do reproduce them it is usually for personal use. The MP3 player that ... ...May 7, 2000. "Information about Metallica's Request to Disable Napster Users." Napster Home Page. 1999-2000. May 7, 2000. RIAA. "Copyright Basics", "Napster Lawsuit Q & A." Recording Industry Association of America Home Page. May 7, 2000. Samuelson, Pamela. "The Digital Rights War." The Presence of Others. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. Boston, New York: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2000. 315-321. U.S. Copyright Office, Library of Congress. "The Digital Millennium copyright Act of 1998." December, 1998. May 7, 2000. White House Information Infrastructure Task Force. " Intellectual Property and the National Information Infrastructure:" U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. 1995.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Notes on Anil Essay

However, he sees people outside and discovers the Headman’s brother, Marimuthu hanging a woman, at which he is traumatised. The next day, the body has been taken down and we learn that it is Marimuthu’s wife. However, Marimuthu is pretending that his wife has commited suicide. Anil tells the village & the Headman that he saw Marimuthu kill the woman and the Headman goes off to talk to Anil’s father about him. In the next section, we learn that Anil is being sent to school (a great opportunity) but it is so that the Headman can cover up his brother’s actions as a murderer. At the end, both father & son explore their decisions and whether they made the right/wrong choice given the consequences. The last scene shows the Headman & his brother, the Headman smiling at his brother and the brother showing relief that they got away with it. Form †¢ †¢ Omniscient narrator – allows us to learn the feelings of each of the characters – an overview of the story. Short story bildungsroman: shows the character growing up/maturing when he learns the nature of good/evil and something about morality, â€Å"I will never forget this town and the sin that it buries today. As a child, we believe in right & wrong and that sins are punished. However, he learns that there is not always justice in the world, and in fact sin is metaphorically buried. †¢ Epiphany: as above: â€Å"I will never forget this town and the sin that it buries today. † (line 216. ) Structure †¢ †¢ Lines 93-95- powerful visual- cinematic description of the body shocks us- climax shocking so early in the story. Lines 41- 60- the boy’s fears are presented: father, fear of the dark, mosquito, ghosts- writer uses one word lines to reflect the tension, ‘They. Peyi. Pesase. Ghosts. ’- also ‘Dare he? ’- the omniscient narrator draws us into Anil’s mind. Lines 159-160- the second section is used to describe the aftermath where Anil finds himself accusing the murderer, ‘You killed her. ’ We are left on a cliff-hanger as we wonder what the consequences will be, ‘†¦ about this son of yours. ’ See epiphany is form. Lines 198-202- we are now given Ragunathan’s perspective and the writer presents his confused shame as Anil is sent away. †¢ †¢ †¢ Language †¢ Lines 1-14 (opening paragraph): heat is emphasised to create a claustrophobic and confined setting, ‘hot, sweltering’- contrasts with the image of the star Anil watches, ‘a small star shone†¦ ’ as his dreams set him apart (omniscient narrator allows us to see Anil’s perspective and draws us to him. ) Lines 21-31- physical details of mother reinforce the heat and discomfort/pain of the setting and their lives, ‘wet patch†¦ layers of fat’- a child’s view amuses us ‘Wheee†¦ the fly slid down’ but is mixed with the accepted pain/violence/abuse ‘the bruise†¦where Appa†¦ had hit her. ’ Lines 69- 74- symbolism of the tree- from childish view ‘†¦ a tree that ate little children. ’ To shocking reality ‘They were hanging a woman. Lines 222- end- the worm simile used to describe how Marimuthu views the train/the truth within Anil reflects the relief he feels at having escaped justice- the heat of his wife’s injustice distorts the train and makes the image sinister, but even more sinister to the reader is the ‘shadow of a smile’ which hints that all is under control again. †¢ †¢ †¢ How to use PETER for analysis: P- The writer uses a star at the beginning of the story and after the climax of the murder to highlight Anil’s innocence and isolation, E- ‘silencing the sobs that wracked his little body, as a star shimmered above. ’ T- The repeated symbolism of the star as well as the alliteration of ‘silencing the sobs’ and ‘star shimmered’ E- draws our attention to his vulnerability and perhaps loss of innocence as he witnesses such a crime. R- We cannot help but feel pity for Anil’s character as we share his pain and terror. O- create your own other interpretation here.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

conformity vs individuality essays

conformity vs individuality essays "People don't talk about anything...and nobody says anything different from anyone else" This quote, from Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, demonstrates how this fictional society had no individuality, yet they expressed no disprovement of the conformity. To be so simple minded as this civilization was would have eventually lead to self-destruction. To support my theory, recall in the novel when the old lady chose to commit suicide because she did not have freedom. She felt that even though she was "free" she was "enslaved" by the enforcement of limited knowledge. Without individuality in today's society, the world would be filled with a population of large amounts of followers as opposed to leaders. Do you know where and what this society would be like if we didn't have leaders like Rosa Parks, Susan B. Anthony, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, etc.? I presume that we wouldn't be as strong of a nation as we are now. We wouldn't have any freedoms or rights that these leaders fought so hard to achieve. We wouldn't be able to experience historical periods such as the Industrial Revolution, the Harlem Renaissance, Civil Rights Movement, etc. for all of these eras express different ideas, inventions, and opinions and gradually erased some people's ignorance towards these changes. As an African-American, I take great pride in the Harlem Renaissance because this was a time when we got to prove the "ignorant" people wrong as we demonstrated our artistic and intellectual abilities. "What do we want in this country, above all? To be happy!" I disagree with this quote made by Captain Beatty due to the fact that with a society like ours full of different people with different outlooks towards different things, it is impossible to make everyone happy. What I think our country wants above all is equality, freedom, and peace, something our past leaders have fought so courageously to obtain. Being happy all the time isn't everything, it is beneficial ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

When to Use the Latin Abbreviations i.e. and e.g.

When to Use the Latin Abbreviations i.e. and e.g. The Latin abbreviations i.e. and e.g. are often confused. When used incorrectly, they achieve the exact opposite of the writers intention, which is to appear learned by using a Latin phrase in place of an English one that means more or less the same thing. Knowing the meanings of e.g. and i.e.- and how to use them correctly- will save you from making foolish errors and make your writing more sophisticated. What Does E.g. Mean? E.g. is short for the Latin exempli gratia, meaning for the sake of example or for example. E.g. is used in places where you might write including, followed by a list of one or more examples. However, e.g. should not be used to introduce an exhaustive list. At the places where I work best, e.g., Starbucks, I have none of the distractions I have at home. [There are lots of coffee shops I like, but Starbucks is an example thats known to most people.] Some of the things he likes to do in his spare time, e.g., racing cars, are dangerous. [Racing cars is dangerous, but it is not this mans only dangerous hobby.] The abbreviation e.g. can be used with more than one example. However, avoid piling on multiple examples and adding etc. at the end. I like coffee shops, e.g., Starbucks and Seattles Best, for getting work done. [Do not write coffee shops, e.g., Starbucks and Seattles Best, etc.] The children of Leda, e.g., Castor and Pollux, were born in pairs. [Leda gave birth to multiple pairs of children, so Castor and Pollux are one example, as would be Helen and Clytemnestra. If Leda had only given birth to one pair of children, e.g. would be used incorrectly here.] What Does I.e. Mean? I.e. is short for the Latin id est, which means that is to say. I.e. takes the place of the English phrases in other words or that is. As opposed to e.g., i.e. is used to specify, describe, or explain something that has already been referred to in the sentence. Im going to the place where I work best, i.e., the coffee shop. [There is only one place that I am claiming is best for my work. By using i.e.,  I am telling you that I am about to specify it.] The most beautiful human in Greek mythology, i.e., Ledas daughter Helen, may have had a unibrow, according to a 2009 book. [Helen, whose beauty launched the Trojan War, is considered the most beautiful woman in Greek mythology. There is no other contender, so we must use i.e.] He wants to take some time off and go to the most relaxing place in the world, i.e., Hawaii. [The man does not want to visit just any relaxing place. He wants to visit the most relaxing place in the world, of which there can only be one.] When to Use E.g. and I.e. While they are both Latin phrases, e.g. and i.e. have very different meanings, and you dont want to confuse them. E.g., meaning for example, is used to introduce one or more possibilities or examples. I.e., meaning that is to say, is used to specify or explain by giving more detailed information. A way to remember the difference is that e.g. opens the door to more possibilities, while i.e. reduces the possibilities to one. I want to do something fun tonight, e.g., go for a walk, watch a movie, play a board game, read a book.I want to do something fun tonight, i.e., watch that movie Ive been waiting to see. In the first sentence, something fun could be any number of activities, so e.g. is used to introduce a few of them. In the second sentence, something fun is one specific activity- watching that movie Ive been waiting to see- so i.e. is used to specify that. Formatting The abbreviations i.e. and e.g. are common enough that they do not require italicization (though the full Latin phrases, if they are written out, should be italicized). Both abbreviations take periods and are followed by a comma in American English. European sources may not use the periods or the comma. It is rare to see i.e. or e.g. at the start of a sentence. If you choose to use one of them there, you must also capitalize the initial letter of the abbreviation. Grammarians will argue over this kind of minutiae all day, so deploy these abbreviations at the head of a sentence only if you must.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Dolls House Essays

A Dolls House Essays A Dolls House Essay A Dolls House Essay Miss Julies struggle against the societial expectations of her time can be compared to that of another female character of modern drama, namely Nora in Ibsens A Dolls House. Nora believed in her ability to realize her true self, but it relied on her escaping her home, which represents the trap of her loveless marriage. Noras own psychological struggle is also referenced to the arrangement of the set. Similar to Miss Julie, the dramatic activity throughout A Dolls House is focused entirely on the one room (with four doors) that is visible on stage. The set creates a visual correspondence that communicates the essential dramatic idea of the work: Nora is sheltered from the outside world in her fantasy doll house. Early in the play, Ibsen defines the space onstage as Noras: Is that my little lark twittering out there? 2 Helmer calls from his room in the opening lines of Act I. This simple line not only identifies the space on stage as Noras, but Helmers allusion to the lark further suggests that Noras life is much like a bird cage protected, confined within the boundaries of her home. Noras space thus defined, certain actions take on a symbolic context of meanings. We notice that Nora always keeps the doors leading to the other rooms closed, except when there is motion through them; for example, Nora is able to bolt the door shut to Helmers study, she takes the children out of the living area when Krogstad enters, so in a sense she has control as it relates to people invading her space. Her life in her dolls house is thus defined by the stage space, so when her life is interrupted, so is this space. For instance, Krogstads entrance through a door left ajar upsets her, unleashing the sequence of events that determines her departure. Ibsens stage directions read: Meanwhile there has been a knock at the hall door The door is half open and Krogstad appears. 3 Ibsen emphasizes the fact that the door through which Krogstad makes his unsolicited entrance had been left open and Noras life susceptible to intrusion, leaving her in a disquieted state of mind. Noras psychological struggle is further emphasized by Ibsen through the use of the Christmas tree, which aside from its use as a conventional indicator of the passage of time serves as a visual representation of Noras emotional turmoil. Soon after Krogstads visit, Nora tries to set aside the eminent threat to the destruction of her doll house by asking the maid to bring in the tree, and place it in the middle of the floor. She is confident that her home and her family must come first before any legal matter. The audience recognizes the tree as a powerful symbol representing family security and happiness, set defiantly in the center of the stage to dominate it, as if its mere presence is sufficient to banish Noras troubles. As Nora begins to dress the tree, she states: A candle here and flowers here -. The horrible man! Its all nonsense theres nothing wrong. The Tree shall be splendid! I will do everything I can to please you, Torvald! 4 Thus, the tree is the visual representation of Noras blind conviction that things will be fine, merely because she says so. However, the opening of Act II presents a very different atmosphere. In the opening stage directions, Ibsen indicates that The Christmas tree is in the corner by the piano, stripped of its ornaments and with burnt-down candle-ends on its disheveled branches. 5 One soon realizes that Nora finds herself in a greatly altered state of mind. At this point, she has become fully conscious of the reality of Krogstads threat, and she loses hope that she will succeed she is terrified. The family gaiety and happiness is spoiled, and she dares not play with the children. Whereas before, the Christmas tree dominated the stage, in Act II, when the curtain goes up, the tree has been stripped of its ornaments, and it has been pushed in a corner of the room a very fitting symbol of dejection. In Act III, there is an implication that the Christmas tree is no longer present, foreshadowing Noras shocking decision to leave her family. The act opens in the same scene, however there is no mention of the Christmas tree, which develops the symbolism one step further, seeing as the scandalous rezolution can be clearly foreseen at this point. Similarly, Strindberg utilizes prop pieces to expose Jeans psychological struggle; however, unlike Ibsens dynamic prop pieces, which change in appearance and position with the advancement of the plot, Strindberg uses several objects that remain static throughout the duration of the play. This technique is employed in portraying the Count, whose powerful presence and influence over the characters is represented mostly by scenographic means: the ringing bell and speaking tube that mediate his orders, as well as his riding boots. At the beginning of the play, Strindbergs stage directions read as follows: Jean enters, dressed in livery and carrying a pair of large riding boots, with spurs, which he puts down on the floor where they remain clearly visible. 6 Strindbergs insistence that the boots remain visible throughout the play is meant to symbolize the Counts omnipresence in the house as well as his supreme power over the characters. Jean, in particular is tormented by the counts invisible presence. Throughout the play, Jean expresses an avid desire to climb up from his social position. There are numerous power shifts between Jean and Miss Julie throughout the play, however, in the end, both end up in submission to the Count, who is both father and master. The superiority Jean gains in relation to Julie immediately founders when he is reminded of the Count, which causes him to acknowledge his inferior position in society. At one point, he exclaims: I only have to see his gloves lying on a chair, and I feel so small I only have to hear that bell up there, and I start like a frightened horse and now, when I see his boots standing there so high and mighty, it sends a shiver down my spine! [kicks the boots] 7 At this point, Jean has just shared his plans for starting a hotel abroad with Julie. He talks about his dreams of buying a title in Romania and becoming a Count. However, as soon as Julie makes any mention of the Count or his house, Jean becomes insecure and disquieted because he realizes that he is still just a mere servant despite his many ambitious plans for the future. Thus, although often undermined when reading a play, scenography is a vital component of dramaturgy; it unleashes a powerful vocabulary spoken by space and props, which act to convey ideas and define character in their own right. As was shown above, both Ibsen and Strindbergs careful attention to visual detail uncovers an entirely new dimension of the work, exposing many metaphoric parallels between the scenography and the psychology of the characters. The scenographic dimension of a drama is one of the key ones that enables the audience to interpret the private world of the fictional heroes the physical surroundings of the heroes functioning as objectifications of their inner world, and as such, acting as a window through which the audience can understand the internal struggle of the characters. A Dolls House Essays A Dolls House Paper A Dolls House Paper In my opinion, of the three terms given for us to define, feminism suits this play best.It applies to the play only in the sense that Nora, the female figure in the play, is oppressed.Henrik Ibsen;s A Doll;s House shows how a housewife is sent over the edge by her oppressed position.The action she takes exposes a hideous side of human nature.It takes the female character, Nora,and uses her as the doll in which the house belongs to, but she does not have any power over the house. The society at the time of A Doll;s House was driven almost exclusively by males.The man and wife had clearly defined roles.The man was the provider who worked during the day and rested at night.The wife had to run the homestead.She was responsible for the children and the house, but her influence on any major decisions was minimal. In the play Nora is thrown into dire circumstances.When her husband was sick she gathered a sum of money to help finance a recuperating trip.She decided to take the initiative of getting the funds, but her role in society permitted her from attaining the cash.She was dependent on a male to vouch for her, and instead of bothering her dying father she forged his signature.This act would definitely come back to haunt her. The whole fiasco led Nora to question her position within the household.She realizes that she is nothing more than a ;doll; for her father and her husband.Without their status she cannot act alone.Her whole life has been for other;s benefit and the only thing she can do to declare her independence and to make the rest of the world acknowledge her identity is to kill herself.That way she can overcome the oppressive male or male characters. In more recent times people have begun to become A Dolls House Essays A Dolls House Paper A Dolls House Paper Essay Topic: A Dolls House In the play ;A Doll House; by Henrik Ibsen, the author chooses two very unique characters to play Nora and Torvald.He sets them up in a marriage relationship, which is somewhat unrealistic in today;s standards of marriage.Nora plays a weak wife in a relationship where her every action is dominated by her husband, yet she plays along to keep him happy. Torvald is a wealthy man that controls his wife in everything that she does and in his mind believes that she is truthful about everything with him.These two characters provide for conflict although Nora stands for her husband;s abuse until she can;t take it anymore. Throughout the entire play, Torvald plays the role of the dominant character in his marriage to Nora.Nora is a delicate character and she puts up with Torvald for eight years.However, when she finally realizes his insensitivity, she knows she must leave him.One example of Torvald;s dominance over Nora, occurs when he forbids Nora to have any macaroons in the house, even though she really enjoyed them.Also, when they were going to the costume party he picked out her outfit in almost the same way a parent would treat a child.This demonstrates the one-sided nature of the marriage and household.Through everyday conversation, Nora and Torvald reveal that they have a relationship filled with meaningless talk and games, such as ;Is that my squirrel rummaging around?.;Whenever Torvald seeks Nora she comes to him as a puppy would go to their master; she is his puppet.Their relationship is empty even though they act like a normal couple when they are around others. When they are alone Torvald dominates everything that happens.While from the outside the household may have the appearance of being socially acceptable, the marriage of Torvald and Nora was falling apart because of the lack of identity, love, and communication.Nora is a woman that relied