Wednesday, October 30, 2019

To write an executive summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

To write an executive summary - Essay Example An agile project typically uses several repetitions or deliveries of software instead of waiting up to the end of the project being undertaken in order to provide one product. Projects with heavy constraints, inexperienced and dispersed teams, huge risks, generally clear and up-front requirements, and a rigid completion date are often carried out by utilizing a predictive or traditional approach. This is attributable to the conservative and safe nature of the traditional approach. Projects with less rigid constraints, experienced and co-located teams, smaller risks, unclear requirements and more flexible scheduling would be appropriately done using agile approach. The findings also indicates that in any case, managing projects still involves actions in each of the project management processes namely initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing. Scrum is the leading and main agile development methodology for completing projects with a complex and innovative scope of work In conclusion, a firm can still use the five process groups involved in project management to manage an agile project while at the same using the unique aspects of a spectrum approach. The amplified interest in agile project management technique is grounded partly on the anticipation that it will somehow make project management easier. The scrum process offers a simplified method and process of managing complex and innovative range of work. Many individuals believe that using the agile approach to managing projects is totally different from a more traditional or predictive approach. This is not true as the project management process group, which is, initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling and closing can also be used in an agile approach but with different terms, techniques and outputs. The agile approach is often more

Monday, October 28, 2019

Cinderella - Family Therapy Essay Example for Free

Cinderella Family Therapy Essay Cinderella’s case conceptualized using a Bowenian transgenerational model According to Bowen, one of the pioneers of family therapy, family can be understood as an emotional unit, which can be best analyzed through a multigenerational framework. Cinderella’s story, which was told by many professional storytellers, including brothers Grimm (19 century) and Charles Perrault (17 century), as many other famous fairytales lacks many important details and characters’ descriptions that a therapist would need for administering family treatment involving transgenerational model. If we would speculate knowing some information about Cinderella’s family members, the transgenerational model would work beautifully. A chronic anxiety of Cinderella, her unstable, submissive behavior, could be explained by anxiety transmitted over several generations. Goldenbergs bring our attention to a few important emotional patterns of an individual:†the selection of a spouse with similar differentiation level and the family projection process that results in lower level of self-differentiation† (p. 89, 2008). Bowen would even build a prognosis for Cinderella’s children to have a reduced level of self-differentiation and being increasingly vulnerable to anxiety (Goldenberg Goldenberg, 2008). Bowen emphasized that the multigenerational transmission programs not only the levels of self – differentiation, but also programs family’s roles and interactions. Cinderella’s marital problems could be understood very well through the lens of her family behaviours (The Bowen Center, n. d. ). My only major concern about application of transgenerational model in Cinderella’s case would be the early death of Cinderella’s parents ( her genogram is hard to build) and her latter life with the wicket, very directive stepmother, who evidently influenced Cinderella’s fragile and indecisive mind structure. Cinderella’s ability and inability to build attachments to her family members, which were not all â€Å"angels†, should be also considered when providing her with a therapy. Once again, her attachment to her loving father, her godfairy, her stepmother and stepsisters, could be easily incorporated into transgenerational model. Cinderella’s case conceptualized through Bowen’s concepts of triangulation. According to Goldenberg and Goldenberg (2008), the Bowen’s concept of triangulation would allow understanding better Cinderella’s marital problems. Probably, a few first years of Cinderella’s marriage were happy, because it was a big relieve for her to escape the stepmother cruelty. However, even her first marital years could have some initial problems. For example, the prince, who was brought up in a â€Å"normal† family, could not understand or could not believe Cinderella’s stories she told about her family. He would smile when she would share her violent memories with him. The prince mistrust and his ironic smile could initiate some negative feelings and despair in Cinderella. In this case, the stepmother’s figure would be present in Cinderella-prince conflict through Cinderella’s stories. It is particularly interesting that the third person does not need necessarily be present to create a conflict in triangulation (The Bowen Center, n. d. ). When children were born from a person (or two persons) with low self-differentiation, many other triangles and possible shifts and tensions could occur. Cinderella’s case and the object-relations model Goldenberg and Goldenberg (2008) provide a deep insight into Cinderella’s story based on the object-relation model, which is connected to the early Freudian concept of mother-child bonds. Even though the Cinderella’s relationship with her mother was very short before her mother past away, it appeared to be a foundation of many Cinderella’s later issues, such as her idealization of some women characters (godmother; later, some older women-friends), a few conflicts between her ego and id, suffering from deprivation of early attachments, developing insecurity and low self-esteem, and others. All these issues that the object-relations model would discover, could be projected to Cinderella’s later marital problems. A person who survived a trauma of loosing her both parents and the hardship of living with evil stepmother and stepsisters could have a lot of troubled thoughts and experiences that could be projected into her relationship with her spouse and children. I believe that the object-relations model (psychodynamic in its core) could provide the best insight when dealing with Cinderella’s marital problems.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

One to One Communication :: Communication Body Language Health Care Essays

One to One Communication To practice one to one communication I spoke to someone who regularly attends the ‘Princess of Wales’ Hospital, Bridgend for physiotherapy on his knee after an operation 6 months ago. From this interaction I found that the service from the NHS was satisfactory and adequate, but could use some improvements. I spoke to the patient mainly about waiting times for appointments and operations, as that appeared to be the main cause for concern. I conducted the one to one interaction in the patient’s living room, so that the surroundings were familiar to him and he would feel more at ease. As the room was decorated in warm colours it created a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere, which contributed to making it easier to open up and talk freely. Skill Used ========== Comment ======= Body language I used open and friendly body language towards the client and didn’t cross my arms or anything so that I didn’t come across as intimidating. This is because body language makes a great impact on interaction. Gestures I regularly used hand gestures to put emphasis on what I was saying as gestures are a strong part of effective communication. Eye contact I regularly maintained eye contact with the client during my interaction. This helped to show that I was interested in what he had to say and also so that he knew when it was his turn to speak. Facial expressions I used appropriate facial expressions to match my topic of conversation so not to confuse the client, and to show interest in what he had to say. Open questions Open questions require extended answers and make the client feel that their opinions are valued. I tried to use mostly open questions to facilitate the conversation and so that the conversation flowed and did not feel like an interrogation. Closed questions I tried not to ask many closed questions, unless I needed more specific information, as they can make people feel uncomfortable and inhibit conversation. Probes and prompts I used probes and prompts to make the client give more in depth information and to help him to think more about the subject that I was questioning them on. I used prompts to help the client understand what I was asking by suggesting a possible answer. Paraphrasing To check that I had heard and understood the client properly I used paraphrasing as a way of reflecting back to him. Paraphrasing also helped him to clarify exactly what it is they were saying, because he had to listen to the paraphrase and work out whether that is what he meant to say. The particular individuals involved, the relationship between the individuals, the subject of the communication and the physical

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Copyright vs. the Right to Copy Essay -- Computers Technology Internet

Copyright vs. the Right to Copy Today's digital technology and the computer have changed how the average consumer can acquire information and entertainment. No longer do we have to wait for the CD to hear a new song, or the release date to watch a movie. The technology is available on our home computers. But is this an infringement on copyright? What about the rights of artists, authors, producers, or actors? Has our technology progressed so far that it infringes on these peoples' livings? It is only a matter of time before laws are passed regarding Internet use. Are we ready to give up the freedom we have had up to this point? In her essay "The Digital Rights War", Pamela Samuelson states that " The new future of technically protected information is so far from the ordinary person's experience that few of us have any clue about what is at stake". (Samuelson 316) With today's technology consumers can download almost anything from their computer and copy it onto a CD Rom or to an MP3 player. Pirated copies of songs from CDs that are not yet released or movies that are still in the theaters are put on the Internet available for anyone to use or copy. These are extreme examples of the problem at hand. What lengths do we need to go to in protecting artists' rights? Pirating is nothing new. When I was in high school bootleg copies of concerts were available to buy on cassette. There will always be some people that don't follow the law, and even if we tighten up current copyrighting laws those people will find a way around them. The average consumer may download songs or articles from the Internet, but they do not distribute them or reproduce them. If they do reproduce them it is usually for personal use. The MP3 player that ... ...May 7, 2000. "Information about Metallica's Request to Disable Napster Users." Napster Home Page. 1999-2000. May 7, 2000. RIAA. "Copyright Basics", "Napster Lawsuit Q & A." Recording Industry Association of America Home Page. May 7, 2000. Samuelson, Pamela. "The Digital Rights War." The Presence of Others. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. Boston, New York: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2000. 315-321. U.S. Copyright Office, Library of Congress. "The Digital Millennium copyright Act of 1998." December, 1998. May 7, 2000. White House Information Infrastructure Task Force. " Intellectual Property and the National Information Infrastructure:" U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. 1995.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Notes on Anil Essay

However, he sees people outside and discovers the Headman’s brother, Marimuthu hanging a woman, at which he is traumatised. The next day, the body has been taken down and we learn that it is Marimuthu’s wife. However, Marimuthu is pretending that his wife has commited suicide. Anil tells the village & the Headman that he saw Marimuthu kill the woman and the Headman goes off to talk to Anil’s father about him. In the next section, we learn that Anil is being sent to school (a great opportunity) but it is so that the Headman can cover up his brother’s actions as a murderer. At the end, both father & son explore their decisions and whether they made the right/wrong choice given the consequences. The last scene shows the Headman & his brother, the Headman smiling at his brother and the brother showing relief that they got away with it. Form †¢ †¢ Omniscient narrator – allows us to learn the feelings of each of the characters – an overview of the story. Short story bildungsroman: shows the character growing up/maturing when he learns the nature of good/evil and something about morality, â€Å"I will never forget this town and the sin that it buries today. As a child, we believe in right & wrong and that sins are punished. However, he learns that there is not always justice in the world, and in fact sin is metaphorically buried. †¢ Epiphany: as above: â€Å"I will never forget this town and the sin that it buries today. † (line 216. ) Structure †¢ †¢ Lines 93-95- powerful visual- cinematic description of the body shocks us- climax shocking so early in the story. Lines 41- 60- the boy’s fears are presented: father, fear of the dark, mosquito, ghosts- writer uses one word lines to reflect the tension, ‘They. Peyi. Pesase. Ghosts. ’- also ‘Dare he? ’- the omniscient narrator draws us into Anil’s mind. Lines 159-160- the second section is used to describe the aftermath where Anil finds himself accusing the murderer, ‘You killed her. ’ We are left on a cliff-hanger as we wonder what the consequences will be, ‘†¦ about this son of yours. ’ See epiphany is form. Lines 198-202- we are now given Ragunathan’s perspective and the writer presents his confused shame as Anil is sent away. †¢ †¢ †¢ Language †¢ Lines 1-14 (opening paragraph): heat is emphasised to create a claustrophobic and confined setting, ‘hot, sweltering’- contrasts with the image of the star Anil watches, ‘a small star shone†¦ ’ as his dreams set him apart (omniscient narrator allows us to see Anil’s perspective and draws us to him. ) Lines 21-31- physical details of mother reinforce the heat and discomfort/pain of the setting and their lives, ‘wet patch†¦ layers of fat’- a child’s view amuses us ‘Wheee†¦ the fly slid down’ but is mixed with the accepted pain/violence/abuse ‘the bruise†¦where Appa†¦ had hit her. ’ Lines 69- 74- symbolism of the tree- from childish view ‘†¦ a tree that ate little children. ’ To shocking reality ‘They were hanging a woman. Lines 222- end- the worm simile used to describe how Marimuthu views the train/the truth within Anil reflects the relief he feels at having escaped justice- the heat of his wife’s injustice distorts the train and makes the image sinister, but even more sinister to the reader is the ‘shadow of a smile’ which hints that all is under control again. †¢ †¢ †¢ How to use PETER for analysis: P- The writer uses a star at the beginning of the story and after the climax of the murder to highlight Anil’s innocence and isolation, E- ‘silencing the sobs that wracked his little body, as a star shimmered above. ’ T- The repeated symbolism of the star as well as the alliteration of ‘silencing the sobs’ and ‘star shimmered’ E- draws our attention to his vulnerability and perhaps loss of innocence as he witnesses such a crime. R- We cannot help but feel pity for Anil’s character as we share his pain and terror. O- create your own other interpretation here.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

conformity vs individuality essays

conformity vs individuality essays "People don't talk about anything...and nobody says anything different from anyone else" This quote, from Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, demonstrates how this fictional society had no individuality, yet they expressed no disprovement of the conformity. To be so simple minded as this civilization was would have eventually lead to self-destruction. To support my theory, recall in the novel when the old lady chose to commit suicide because she did not have freedom. She felt that even though she was "free" she was "enslaved" by the enforcement of limited knowledge. Without individuality in today's society, the world would be filled with a population of large amounts of followers as opposed to leaders. Do you know where and what this society would be like if we didn't have leaders like Rosa Parks, Susan B. Anthony, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, etc.? I presume that we wouldn't be as strong of a nation as we are now. We wouldn't have any freedoms or rights that these leaders fought so hard to achieve. We wouldn't be able to experience historical periods such as the Industrial Revolution, the Harlem Renaissance, Civil Rights Movement, etc. for all of these eras express different ideas, inventions, and opinions and gradually erased some people's ignorance towards these changes. As an African-American, I take great pride in the Harlem Renaissance because this was a time when we got to prove the "ignorant" people wrong as we demonstrated our artistic and intellectual abilities. "What do we want in this country, above all? To be happy!" I disagree with this quote made by Captain Beatty due to the fact that with a society like ours full of different people with different outlooks towards different things, it is impossible to make everyone happy. What I think our country wants above all is equality, freedom, and peace, something our past leaders have fought so courageously to obtain. Being happy all the time isn't everything, it is beneficial ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

When to Use the Latin Abbreviations i.e. and e.g.

When to Use the Latin Abbreviations i.e. and e.g. The Latin abbreviations i.e. and e.g. are often confused. When used incorrectly, they achieve the exact opposite of the writers intention, which is to appear learned by using a Latin phrase in place of an English one that means more or less the same thing. Knowing the meanings of e.g. and i.e.- and how to use them correctly- will save you from making foolish errors and make your writing more sophisticated. What Does E.g. Mean? E.g. is short for the Latin exempli gratia, meaning for the sake of example or for example. E.g. is used in places where you might write including, followed by a list of one or more examples. However, e.g. should not be used to introduce an exhaustive list. At the places where I work best, e.g., Starbucks, I have none of the distractions I have at home. [There are lots of coffee shops I like, but Starbucks is an example thats known to most people.] Some of the things he likes to do in his spare time, e.g., racing cars, are dangerous. [Racing cars is dangerous, but it is not this mans only dangerous hobby.] The abbreviation e.g. can be used with more than one example. However, avoid piling on multiple examples and adding etc. at the end. I like coffee shops, e.g., Starbucks and Seattles Best, for getting work done. [Do not write coffee shops, e.g., Starbucks and Seattles Best, etc.] The children of Leda, e.g., Castor and Pollux, were born in pairs. [Leda gave birth to multiple pairs of children, so Castor and Pollux are one example, as would be Helen and Clytemnestra. If Leda had only given birth to one pair of children, e.g. would be used incorrectly here.] What Does I.e. Mean? I.e. is short for the Latin id est, which means that is to say. I.e. takes the place of the English phrases in other words or that is. As opposed to e.g., i.e. is used to specify, describe, or explain something that has already been referred to in the sentence. Im going to the place where I work best, i.e., the coffee shop. [There is only one place that I am claiming is best for my work. By using i.e.,  I am telling you that I am about to specify it.] The most beautiful human in Greek mythology, i.e., Ledas daughter Helen, may have had a unibrow, according to a 2009 book. [Helen, whose beauty launched the Trojan War, is considered the most beautiful woman in Greek mythology. There is no other contender, so we must use i.e.] He wants to take some time off and go to the most relaxing place in the world, i.e., Hawaii. [The man does not want to visit just any relaxing place. He wants to visit the most relaxing place in the world, of which there can only be one.] When to Use E.g. and I.e. While they are both Latin phrases, e.g. and i.e. have very different meanings, and you dont want to confuse them. E.g., meaning for example, is used to introduce one or more possibilities or examples. I.e., meaning that is to say, is used to specify or explain by giving more detailed information. A way to remember the difference is that e.g. opens the door to more possibilities, while i.e. reduces the possibilities to one. I want to do something fun tonight, e.g., go for a walk, watch a movie, play a board game, read a book.I want to do something fun tonight, i.e., watch that movie Ive been waiting to see. In the first sentence, something fun could be any number of activities, so e.g. is used to introduce a few of them. In the second sentence, something fun is one specific activity- watching that movie Ive been waiting to see- so i.e. is used to specify that. Formatting The abbreviations i.e. and e.g. are common enough that they do not require italicization (though the full Latin phrases, if they are written out, should be italicized). Both abbreviations take periods and are followed by a comma in American English. European sources may not use the periods or the comma. It is rare to see i.e. or e.g. at the start of a sentence. If you choose to use one of them there, you must also capitalize the initial letter of the abbreviation. Grammarians will argue over this kind of minutiae all day, so deploy these abbreviations at the head of a sentence only if you must.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Dolls House Essays

A Dolls House Essays A Dolls House Essay A Dolls House Essay Miss Julies struggle against the societial expectations of her time can be compared to that of another female character of modern drama, namely Nora in Ibsens A Dolls House. Nora believed in her ability to realize her true self, but it relied on her escaping her home, which represents the trap of her loveless marriage. Noras own psychological struggle is also referenced to the arrangement of the set. Similar to Miss Julie, the dramatic activity throughout A Dolls House is focused entirely on the one room (with four doors) that is visible on stage. The set creates a visual correspondence that communicates the essential dramatic idea of the work: Nora is sheltered from the outside world in her fantasy doll house. Early in the play, Ibsen defines the space onstage as Noras: Is that my little lark twittering out there? 2 Helmer calls from his room in the opening lines of Act I. This simple line not only identifies the space on stage as Noras, but Helmers allusion to the lark further suggests that Noras life is much like a bird cage protected, confined within the boundaries of her home. Noras space thus defined, certain actions take on a symbolic context of meanings. We notice that Nora always keeps the doors leading to the other rooms closed, except when there is motion through them; for example, Nora is able to bolt the door shut to Helmers study, she takes the children out of the living area when Krogstad enters, so in a sense she has control as it relates to people invading her space. Her life in her dolls house is thus defined by the stage space, so when her life is interrupted, so is this space. For instance, Krogstads entrance through a door left ajar upsets her, unleashing the sequence of events that determines her departure. Ibsens stage directions read: Meanwhile there has been a knock at the hall door The door is half open and Krogstad appears. 3 Ibsen emphasizes the fact that the door through which Krogstad makes his unsolicited entrance had been left open and Noras life susceptible to intrusion, leaving her in a disquieted state of mind. Noras psychological struggle is further emphasized by Ibsen through the use of the Christmas tree, which aside from its use as a conventional indicator of the passage of time serves as a visual representation of Noras emotional turmoil. Soon after Krogstads visit, Nora tries to set aside the eminent threat to the destruction of her doll house by asking the maid to bring in the tree, and place it in the middle of the floor. She is confident that her home and her family must come first before any legal matter. The audience recognizes the tree as a powerful symbol representing family security and happiness, set defiantly in the center of the stage to dominate it, as if its mere presence is sufficient to banish Noras troubles. As Nora begins to dress the tree, she states: A candle here and flowers here -. The horrible man! Its all nonsense theres nothing wrong. The Tree shall be splendid! I will do everything I can to please you, Torvald! 4 Thus, the tree is the visual representation of Noras blind conviction that things will be fine, merely because she says so. However, the opening of Act II presents a very different atmosphere. In the opening stage directions, Ibsen indicates that The Christmas tree is in the corner by the piano, stripped of its ornaments and with burnt-down candle-ends on its disheveled branches. 5 One soon realizes that Nora finds herself in a greatly altered state of mind. At this point, she has become fully conscious of the reality of Krogstads threat, and she loses hope that she will succeed she is terrified. The family gaiety and happiness is spoiled, and she dares not play with the children. Whereas before, the Christmas tree dominated the stage, in Act II, when the curtain goes up, the tree has been stripped of its ornaments, and it has been pushed in a corner of the room a very fitting symbol of dejection. In Act III, there is an implication that the Christmas tree is no longer present, foreshadowing Noras shocking decision to leave her family. The act opens in the same scene, however there is no mention of the Christmas tree, which develops the symbolism one step further, seeing as the scandalous rezolution can be clearly foreseen at this point. Similarly, Strindberg utilizes prop pieces to expose Jeans psychological struggle; however, unlike Ibsens dynamic prop pieces, which change in appearance and position with the advancement of the plot, Strindberg uses several objects that remain static throughout the duration of the play. This technique is employed in portraying the Count, whose powerful presence and influence over the characters is represented mostly by scenographic means: the ringing bell and speaking tube that mediate his orders, as well as his riding boots. At the beginning of the play, Strindbergs stage directions read as follows: Jean enters, dressed in livery and carrying a pair of large riding boots, with spurs, which he puts down on the floor where they remain clearly visible. 6 Strindbergs insistence that the boots remain visible throughout the play is meant to symbolize the Counts omnipresence in the house as well as his supreme power over the characters. Jean, in particular is tormented by the counts invisible presence. Throughout the play, Jean expresses an avid desire to climb up from his social position. There are numerous power shifts between Jean and Miss Julie throughout the play, however, in the end, both end up in submission to the Count, who is both father and master. The superiority Jean gains in relation to Julie immediately founders when he is reminded of the Count, which causes him to acknowledge his inferior position in society. At one point, he exclaims: I only have to see his gloves lying on a chair, and I feel so small I only have to hear that bell up there, and I start like a frightened horse and now, when I see his boots standing there so high and mighty, it sends a shiver down my spine! [kicks the boots] 7 At this point, Jean has just shared his plans for starting a hotel abroad with Julie. He talks about his dreams of buying a title in Romania and becoming a Count. However, as soon as Julie makes any mention of the Count or his house, Jean becomes insecure and disquieted because he realizes that he is still just a mere servant despite his many ambitious plans for the future. Thus, although often undermined when reading a play, scenography is a vital component of dramaturgy; it unleashes a powerful vocabulary spoken by space and props, which act to convey ideas and define character in their own right. As was shown above, both Ibsen and Strindbergs careful attention to visual detail uncovers an entirely new dimension of the work, exposing many metaphoric parallels between the scenography and the psychology of the characters. The scenographic dimension of a drama is one of the key ones that enables the audience to interpret the private world of the fictional heroes the physical surroundings of the heroes functioning as objectifications of their inner world, and as such, acting as a window through which the audience can understand the internal struggle of the characters. A Dolls House Essays A Dolls House Paper A Dolls House Paper In my opinion, of the three terms given for us to define, feminism suits this play best.It applies to the play only in the sense that Nora, the female figure in the play, is oppressed.Henrik Ibsen;s A Doll;s House shows how a housewife is sent over the edge by her oppressed position.The action she takes exposes a hideous side of human nature.It takes the female character, Nora,and uses her as the doll in which the house belongs to, but she does not have any power over the house. The society at the time of A Doll;s House was driven almost exclusively by males.The man and wife had clearly defined roles.The man was the provider who worked during the day and rested at night.The wife had to run the homestead.She was responsible for the children and the house, but her influence on any major decisions was minimal. In the play Nora is thrown into dire circumstances.When her husband was sick she gathered a sum of money to help finance a recuperating trip.She decided to take the initiative of getting the funds, but her role in society permitted her from attaining the cash.She was dependent on a male to vouch for her, and instead of bothering her dying father she forged his signature.This act would definitely come back to haunt her. The whole fiasco led Nora to question her position within the household.She realizes that she is nothing more than a ;doll; for her father and her husband.Without their status she cannot act alone.Her whole life has been for other;s benefit and the only thing she can do to declare her independence and to make the rest of the world acknowledge her identity is to kill herself.That way she can overcome the oppressive male or male characters. In more recent times people have begun to become A Dolls House Essays A Dolls House Paper A Dolls House Paper Essay Topic: A Dolls House In the play ;A Doll House; by Henrik Ibsen, the author chooses two very unique characters to play Nora and Torvald.He sets them up in a marriage relationship, which is somewhat unrealistic in today;s standards of marriage.Nora plays a weak wife in a relationship where her every action is dominated by her husband, yet she plays along to keep him happy. Torvald is a wealthy man that controls his wife in everything that she does and in his mind believes that she is truthful about everything with him.These two characters provide for conflict although Nora stands for her husband;s abuse until she can;t take it anymore. Throughout the entire play, Torvald plays the role of the dominant character in his marriage to Nora.Nora is a delicate character and she puts up with Torvald for eight years.However, when she finally realizes his insensitivity, she knows she must leave him.One example of Torvald;s dominance over Nora, occurs when he forbids Nora to have any macaroons in the house, even though she really enjoyed them.Also, when they were going to the costume party he picked out her outfit in almost the same way a parent would treat a child.This demonstrates the one-sided nature of the marriage and household.Through everyday conversation, Nora and Torvald reveal that they have a relationship filled with meaningless talk and games, such as ;Is that my squirrel rummaging around?.;Whenever Torvald seeks Nora she comes to him as a puppy would go to their master; she is his puppet.Their relationship is empty even though they act like a normal couple when they are around others. When they are alone Torvald dominates everything that happens.While from the outside the household may have the appearance of being socially acceptable, the marriage of Torvald and Nora was falling apart because of the lack of identity, love, and communication.Nora is a woman that relied

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Psychology. About stress Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Psychology. About stress - Essay Example Later, he experimented upon animals by injecting toxic chemical in their bodies and found three common reactions. The organisms’ adrenal glands increased, their organs which produced the white blood cells and their lymph nodes initially expanded and shrank later, and thirdly, their intestines and stomachs bled. These reactions were termed by Hans Selye as the General Adaptation Syndrome. He said that when an organism or a human being gets into stress, the usual physiologic systems are interrupted and the resulting changes cause diseases. The physical and emotional upset organisms experienced upon injection of the toxic substance caused such patterns to develop which would cause infection, disease and ultimately death if left untreated. The General Adaptation Syndrome Selye talked about can be divided into three phases namely the alarm reaction, resistance and exhaustion (â€Å"Health News Network†). In the Alarm Reaction Stage, the resistance is lowered because of initi al depression of the immune system. This increases the tendency to acquire disease. When the stress does not stay for long, the individual recovers. With the passage of time, the body adapts to the rising levels of stress. This increases the body’s ability to resist the consequential disease.

Friday, October 18, 2019

My New Small Business Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

My New Small Business Plan - Essay Example colates as well as to offer efficient and friendly services throughout our retail and confectionary market outlets because customer satisfaction is imperative. The priority of our chocolate products is given to customer satisfaction by providing right service along with right information at right time and right place. The main target audience of Cloud7 will be women and school children. Women play a vital role in chocolate market as they are the largest purchasers of chocolates either for home consumption or for giving gifts. The most remarkable fact about UK chocolate market is that people over 55years of age consume chocolate worth 700 pounds every year, which accounts to be 21% of the total chocolate consumption. Consumer’s eating habits and lifestyles are constantly changing as general public due to busy life schedule depend mostly on chocolates and short snacks to make up for missed meals. Even though few have concerns and awareness about sugar and fat in chocolate, they regard it to be an affordable daily treat. In recent years, chewing small treat chocolate has been one of more dynamic sectors with in the confectionary market, especially in United Kingdom. The latest reports show that people in the UK consume larger number of chocolates than in any other European country and their love of chocolates and sweets continue to flourish day by day. It was accounted that UK consumed 30% or more of the total chocolate consumption in Europe, that comes around 660 900 tonnes per year. Chocolate confectionary accounted for 70% of the total sales value in the UK market and the per capita chocolate consumption was valued as 11.25kg per person. For a new chocolate brand Cloud7, it would be a tough time to get a market where the competition is fierce and is dominated by multinational companies like Cadbury, Mars and Nestle who fight each other to keep hold of their profitable portions of this  £5.3bn market. For the last five years, Cadbury had been very strong and

The Great Gatsby by Scott F Fitzgerald and the use of a single Research Paper

The Great Gatsby by Scott F Fitzgerald and the use of a single literature device - Research Paper Example Irony, symbol, flashback, and foreshadowing are four commonly used devices; others have been utilized by inventive authors of modern literature. Fitzgerald’s seminal work, The Great Gatsby, offers insights into the use of the literary device in combination with the expert development of plot, themes, characters, setting and other elements of the novel. The novel relies on various actions and comments of its characters as well as descriptions and symbols to convey the superficiality of its major players and the world they inhabit. A good deal of the true genius of the novel lies in the character descriptions. For the most, they are not pleasant or for that matter very sympathetic. â€Å"The only bad of it is that the characters are mostly so unpleasant in themselves that the story becomes rather a bitter does before one has finished with it† (Wilson 149). But this is precisely what the author wanted to convey; he did not want to sugar coat his characters so that everyone would love and empathize with them. He wanted to present them as the type of people likely to use others and put wealth and superficial qualities above all else. Critics have agreed that the work has universal meaning, not the least of which is a trenchant critique of materialist American society† (eNotes, para. 4). Haupt summarizes some devices used to convey the superficial lifestyle the author describes in his spot on review of the book. â€Å"Bootlegged gin, cigarettes placed into mouths following the clicking shut of their golden cases, gowns, suits, chauffeurs. Games, double meanings, illicit affairs, fortunes made in mysterious ways, drinking to drown an awkward moment or the quiet disappointment of your life† (para. 1). In short, the novel has a message told largely through devices that are symbolic. Through the superficial representation of life back then it forces the reader to assess their own values. "Then wear the gold hat, if that will move her; If you can bounce

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Black Power Mixtape Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Black Power Mixtape - Essay Example   Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Black Power Mixtape† was directed by Goran Hugo Olsson a Swedish and helps depict a story of black power movement in a neutral eye. A little odd is the fact that the Swedish Journalists were following and recording the efforts and of course frustrations by blacks surviving in America’s back streets.   All the documentation was for long stored in a basement for close to forty years until the making of this Mixtape. Indeed a Mixtape, the film presents the facts as they were, raw in a matter of speaking put together. It is refreshing due to its arbitrariness, not following a style but with the theme of showing the Black power in the 1960’s and early 1970’s. The stylistic approaches used by the director of the film displays the struggles of blacks in 1960’s in a random and virgin, non-fictional memorabilia depicting the atmosphere as it was and benefited the presentation of a cinema of truth. The film is a compilation of interviews from people that championed the Black power movement who after witnessing or experiencing the struggles of their own kind, had to stand up for themselves. Interviews include inter alia; Angela Davis, Stokely Carmichael, Bobby Seale, Eldridge Cleaver, Huey Newton and Dr. Martin Luther King. Their words and voice resonating and evoking such an era-specific picture of what occurred. Fictional movies such as ‘Mississippi Burning’ and Tate Taylor’s ‘The Help’ have often brought this era out in a palatable way.... Angela Davis’s voice interview when in jail reverberates over and over again in my head when she says, â€Å"You ask me if I approve of violence, I just find that incredible.† She struggles to show the misconceptions towards her people, the black people. It shows the irony of the situation where a people violent and racist towards the black people, depict violence as coming from the black people. She evokes so much by her words and silence too just after the short interview that resonates almost half a century later. Stokely Carmichael agrees with the idea of Dr Martin Luther King policy of non-violence as a method for blacks to use to change the hearts of the racial discriminators. In his interview, the impossibility of Dr King’s method is brought out in a humorous and almost seductive way amid the chaotic and dangerous atmosphere. Impossibility in this method is because to be moved to a change of heart required conscience which discriminators seem not to have a s seen by Carmichael. We are reminded of the many failed revolutions and counterrevolutions in a time that shaped the culture that we enjoy today. During an interview with Stokely Carmichael’s mother Mabel, the film takes an awakening turn. In an inspiring and downright courageous act, Stokely takes the microphone from the Swedish journalist and asks his mother why his father, a carpenter was laid off so often. Even without watching more of the film, one can tell the frustration, this fresh graduate feels knowing too well the truth but watching his mother struggle to go around the facts. The lack of freedom of expression or the double standard of it, the fear experienced by the ‘coloured’ people as the mother calls them. The result of the film is sobering making one

Case study 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Case study 2 - Assignment Example Dream analysis is indispensible given that dreams are the key towards understanding of the subconscious (Freud, 1953 p.145-9). When one goes to sleep, they get withdrawn from reality and cease to even take the least of interest on it though the extent does not warrant total perception towards the environment hence the subject of dreams. For an individual to proceed into peaceful sleep, factors like negative emotions, forbidden thoughts and unconscious desires must be covered up in any way possible so that their occurrence does not distress the sleeper (Freud, 1953 p. 190-1). According to Freud, a dream is composed of two major parts, the manifest and the latent contents because formation of visual responses to a stimuli is not coincidental. The manifest content is the part of a dream that an individual is able to remember when they wake up. This aspect is termed as symbols by Sigmund since they can result to constant meaning and they are more or less sexual. This part of a dream does not create any meaning whatsoever given that it is a covered aspect of the true thought behind the dream. While the latent part of the dream presents the true meaning of a dream of both the unconscious desires and forbidden thoughts, some parts of the manifest content in most cases corresponds to the latent content most so in ‘infantile dreams’ (Freud, 1953 p. 200-5). This is despite the fact that the manifest aspect in this is disguised and hence appears unrecognizable. This brings us to the forms of distortion, which exists, in the concept of dreams and dreams interpretation. ‘Dream work as the process by which the latent content is interpreted into manifest content can result into a distortion and disguise. Dream work is disguised and distorted as either condensation or displacement; this result into a completely different meaning. Through condensation, two or more latent thoughts are brought together to result into one manifest dream image or situation. Here, the dreamer has the behavior of trying to hide their feelings or urges by way of contracting or minimizing its representation in the forms described. According to Freud (1953), every situation in a dream seems to be put together out of two or more impressions or experiences, which exists in extremes. One need only think about how people and places tend to meld into composite figures in our dreams for such dreams to be complete (Freud, 1953 p. 212-15). Displacement on the other hand works in a manner that it directs he emotions and desires onto a meaningless or unrelated object in a manifest dream instead of directing the same towards the intended object (Freud, 1953 p.145-61). Therefore, some other very different thing symbolizes the desire for a thing. The harmful emotions associated with threatening impulses are displaced so that the trivial elements of a manifest dream do not cause distress. According to Freud, "Displacement is the principle means used in the dream-distortion to which the dream-thoughts must submit under the influence of the censorship" (Freud, 1953 p. 298). These forms of distortion hence become so ingrained in the ID making them posses the quality of rigid symbols and these are similar in all human race. Most of the unclear aspects of dreams become

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Black Power Mixtape Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Black Power Mixtape - Essay Example   Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Black Power Mixtape† was directed by Goran Hugo Olsson a Swedish and helps depict a story of black power movement in a neutral eye. A little odd is the fact that the Swedish Journalists were following and recording the efforts and of course frustrations by blacks surviving in America’s back streets.   All the documentation was for long stored in a basement for close to forty years until the making of this Mixtape. Indeed a Mixtape, the film presents the facts as they were, raw in a matter of speaking put together. It is refreshing due to its arbitrariness, not following a style but with the theme of showing the Black power in the 1960’s and early 1970’s. The stylistic approaches used by the director of the film displays the struggles of blacks in 1960’s in a random and virgin, non-fictional memorabilia depicting the atmosphere as it was and benefited the presentation of a cinema of truth. The film is a compilation of interviews from people that championed the Black power movement who after witnessing or experiencing the struggles of their own kind, had to stand up for themselves. Interviews include inter alia; Angela Davis, Stokely Carmichael, Bobby Seale, Eldridge Cleaver, Huey Newton and Dr. Martin Luther King. Their words and voice resonating and evoking such an era-specific picture of what occurred. Fictional movies such as ‘Mississippi Burning’ and Tate Taylor’s ‘The Help’ have often brought this era out in a palatable way.... Angela Davis’s voice interview when in jail reverberates over and over again in my head when she says, â€Å"You ask me if I approve of violence, I just find that incredible.† She struggles to show the misconceptions towards her people, the black people. It shows the irony of the situation where a people violent and racist towards the black people, depict violence as coming from the black people. She evokes so much by her words and silence too just after the short interview that resonates almost half a century later. Stokely Carmichael agrees with the idea of Dr Martin Luther King policy of non-violence as a method for blacks to use to change the hearts of the racial discriminators. In his interview, the impossibility of Dr King’s method is brought out in a humorous and almost seductive way amid the chaotic and dangerous atmosphere. Impossibility in this method is because to be moved to a change of heart required conscience which discriminators seem not to have a s seen by Carmichael. We are reminded of the many failed revolutions and counterrevolutions in a time that shaped the culture that we enjoy today. During an interview with Stokely Carmichael’s mother Mabel, the film takes an awakening turn. In an inspiring and downright courageous act, Stokely takes the microphone from the Swedish journalist and asks his mother why his father, a carpenter was laid off so often. Even without watching more of the film, one can tell the frustration, this fresh graduate feels knowing too well the truth but watching his mother struggle to go around the facts. The lack of freedom of expression or the double standard of it, the fear experienced by the ‘coloured’ people as the mother calls them. The result of the film is sobering making one

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Strategic fit analysis of Gilbert sports Equipment Company Essay

Strategic fit analysis of Gilbert sports Equipment Company - Essay Example Strategic fit analysis of Gilbert sports Equipment Company However, when the rules of Rugby and thereby rules regarding ball shapes and sizes got formalized in the early part of the 20th century and with availability of Rubber bladders, Gilbert Sports Company started making the modern Rugby balls. Although, the company changed hands quite a few times, the company continued to modernise and update the quality of the balls through the second part of the 20th century particularly during the 1980’s and 90’s. It was during the same period, they developed the first range of balls for Netball. However, it fell into the debt trap in 2002, and so it was acquired by another sports equipment maker, Grays of Cambridge in the same year. It continues to function with a lot of autonomy and even diversified into other product segments, with Grays of Cambridge ‘stewarding’ it. Thus, after rising from the internal crisis in 2002, Gilbert under Grays ownership has been able to consolidate its position. However, there are certain fact ors in its macro and micro environment, which could impact as well as influence its functioning. Market Environment Analysis Certain factors in the external environment as well as in the ‘immediate’ external environment will always influence the functioning and the strategies formulation of any organizations in the sport equipment manufacturing sector. Gilbert is no exception to it, as it can be controlled by the factors in the macro-environment, and also by factors in the micro-environment. Both these macro and micro factors can be collected and assessed in a detailed manner through certain analytical tools. The macro environment of Gilbert can be assessed through PEST analysis, while its micro-environment can be analyzed through Porters’ Five Forces. PEST Analysis Political When one focuses on the political factors in Gilbert’s external environment, the UK government can play both a regulatory and constructive role. Regulatory role in the sense, governme nt with its regulations on quality, advertising, pricing, etc., influences the production processes of sports equipment companies including Gilbert. Constructive role in the sense, the UK government through programs like Schools Sports Partnership provide funds to schools to buy sports equipments and construct other infrastructures, so the children can have an active lifestyle with good fitness levels. Although, the UK government had â€Å"plans to end funding for the Schools Sports Partnership program, it was forced to back down as a result of pressure from top athletes, educators and school children themselves.† ( 2011). Economic The economic aspect of the UK Sports Equipment manufacturing and retail market shows a positive picture, because it â€Å"is valued at US$4.1 billion and grew at a CAGR of 4.19% for the period 2004-2008.† (Reportlinker 2009). However, with the British economy showing little signs of full recovery from the 2008 economic recession, and threatening to go into recession again, the prospects of these sport equipment manufacturing organisations could also suffer. â€Å"Bank of England policymakers agree that Britain's stalled economy will fail to pick up in the current fourth quarter, according to minutes of their last meeting published on Wednesday.† (AFP 2011). If this situation continues, there could be lack of readily available finance options because of credit crunch, and this will make the consumers cut back on their non-essential

How to manage your time Essay Example for Free

How to manage your time Essay Carl Sandberg said â€Å"time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.† Therefore, how to control your use of time? First and foremost, look cautious at your priorities and Identify your goals . According to Oxford Brookes University (2012), you have to identify what is important to you and to be realistic and definite about them. People in all walks of life will have different thoughts, each of them will have their own priorities, identify what you need. For instance, friends, family, getting a good degree, or your health. The great way to determine is by giving a rank to them in order from 1-10 that could help you to prioritise the time you give to the things that beneficial to you and things which will help you to achieve your goals. Then you can allocate a realistic amount of time to each. Being more realistic enables you to build in time to relax and can work more effectively. Furthermore, make a timetable, plan for your future. This is the most common way, yet is the most useful way. According to NUS (n.d.), if you have come to university from high school, it can be a shock to find that you are responsible for organising your study time by your own to complete all the assignments given by the lecturers. Making a timetable helps you to identify periods of potential study time. Ensure that this time is quality time where you can really concentrate, away from all the disturbances. According to (2013), make a daily To-Do List can be make everyday. At the end of each day, you can organize and schedule your next day. In addition, follow your plan. According to (2013), do not let peer pressure or the quest for short-term gratification dictate what you consider important. You just have to focus on the goals you have set for yourself and follow up on your true top priorities. Align your priorities with your long-term values and goals. Moreover, overcome procrastination. According to (2013), without a deadline, you will surely procrastinate. For instance, whenever you get an assignment, set a time to start it off to avoid doing last minute works. Once you are given a due date on an assignment, count backwards from the due date to build up a start date. Take into consideration that you will be spending on other items like social events, sports and so on. Bear in mind that every tasks given is always better to start early to avoid from a panic finish. Last but not least, according to NUS (n.d.), take breaks to  relax. No matter how much you have to do, studying continuously without a break will not help you in the long run. You will simply lose your concentration and remember less. Sometimes, you just have to take a break, really chill out and have a deep breath, this will help you feel better. Remember not to stress up yourself !

Monday, October 14, 2019

Evaluate the approach of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Evaluate the approach of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy In this essay I will discuss the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, then I will critically evaluate the approach, with strengths and limitations, give an example of an episode that , I tried to use this approach, give the reasons in which situations I would use it. And finally what I had learned from this research and how it impacted me for future practice. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, have roots in behaviourism, as well as Cognitive therapy. In our days many cognitive behavioural therapist follow the principles from both these schools. In the beginnings of 1970s, Professor Aaron T. Beck developed a theory of depression, which promotes the importance of peoples depressed style of thinking. Becks work has changed the nature of psychotherapy , not just for depression , but for a range of psychological problems such as , phobias, anxiety, depression, anger, sexual and relationships problems, drugs and alcohol abuse, obsessive compulsive disorder, I just mention a few of them. For a successful treatment is necessary that the patient work together with therapist, and is willing to change, is vital that patient is able to recognise his abnormal thinking or behaviour. CBT is a short -term therapy normally between 10 to 15 sessions and lasts for an hour. With the help of the therapist the patient will tackle these abnormal thinking or behavio ur, by learning a different range of techniques to combat them. Abnormal behaviour is caused by maladaptive thoughts that a person can internalise in its self, this maladaptive behaviour does not allow the patient to have a normal life. As above referred CBT is mixed with cognitive and behavioural therapy They are combined because how we behave often reflects how we think about certain things or situations. The emphasis on cognitive or behavioural aspects of therapy can vary, depending on the condition being treated. For example, there is often more emphasis on behavioural therapy when treating an eating disorder because repetitive actions are a main problem. On the other hand, the emphasis may be more on cognitive therapy when treating depression. In this type of therapy the patient have to talk about his feelings, the way they see the world, and also other people. The two main techniques of CBT in a session is to the patient discuss with , the therapist about his evidence for and against negative beliefs, the second one the therapist will ask to the patient for him to test his beliefs , and change the way that he reacts to them and see what happens. The therapist helps the patient to understand his actual thought and patterns. In particular, to identify any harmful, unhelpful, and f alse ideas or thoughts which he may have, that triggers his health problem, or makes it worse. The aim is then to change his ways of thinking to avoid these ideas. Also, to help his thought patterns to be more realistic and helpful. The treatment with the patient is based in talking , both therapist and patient will work together to identify and understand the reason , for the patient abnormal behaviour , or thought . CBT does not rely on the past, but in the present here and now, therapist and patient will look at patient problem in different perspective more healthy and positive. The therapist will set goals and assignments. Strategies which are monitored and evaluated, in-between the sessions. With the techniques and the homework that the therapist had planned for him , in a situation of abnormal behaviour , or thought the patient , will recognise what trigged the situation, and how he have to behave to overcome that situation. It is important that the patient recognise what trigged the situation, and put in practice the techniques set by the therapist that will help him to change that. This therapy will make the patient more aware. The patient is also asked to maintain a diary to write down the way he thinks , feels and behaves in daily situations, emotions, automatic thoughts, logical response and outcome is also another helpful technique. It will be then more easily to break the maladaptive pattern. However as any approach in the human behaviour it has strengths, and limitations. CBT is not suitable for everyone, only helps certain conditions, it had been shown good results in treating anxiety and depression Eysenck, P.286, 1997 but is especially effective with panic disorder. Rachman (1993, p.279), As far as anxiety disorders are concerned, the greatest theoretical and clinical progress has been made in applying cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT) to thetreatment of panicky. People who take medicines are a greater risk to relapse , when they stop taking them , I agree because they didnt learn to identify what triggers their maladaptive behaviour , and didnt challenge them in trying new behaviours, it is like they are frozen by the medicines, and when they stop taking them , they defrost and everything will start again . CBT is claimed to treat schizophrenia that is a very serious disorder, and that is extremely difficult to treat, and medicines are necessary for the patient, in my opinion this disorder cannot be treated by CBT. In other side CBT is extremely structured and does not focus in the past, but in here and now. However studies had shown that patients after 2 years of therapy has finished, do better than those using other type of treatments, however every individual is unique, two patients with same disorder may have different results because the degree of the extension of the disorder may differ. CBT does not take in account genetic factors, also does not take in consideration interpersonal factors like his social role, life experiences that can produce mental disorders. Another aspect is that is not clear if the abnormal thoughts can be the cause of the disorder. Secondly is unfair to blame the patient for their mental disorder, because it may be other people the responsible an example is the case of bullying is not the victim fault. Also the patient must be willing to change; he may find boring the homework, and the diary sheet. Also disrespects the patient intelligence by making the therapist, rather that the patient unconscious wisdom, the source of clear intelligence about the problem. Also the therapist encouragement to tackle this abnormal behaviour is vital interpersonal skills like warmth, acceptance and empathy will make the CBT more successful. Overall this approach is positive but is effectiveness will depend in factors, such , type of disorder , willing to change by the patient, support of the therapist, commitment to do the homework, and attend the sessions. If in my practice Im working with a service user that have a problem in low self esteem, problems in relationship, I would use this approach to set goals for the user confront his fears, in other situations like eating disorders, depression, panic attacks, the help of a qualified therapist is essential, because he will know better than me how the user is progressing, his evaluation also will more accurate, because I dont hold a degree or a masters in that area. I have a couple of friends, who had marital problems such as verbal abuse towards each other, both of them asked to talk with each other, accusing one another for the failure of the relationship. I spoke with both of them together, and asked about their negatives attitudes, and asked them why they couldnt do things in another way, that wouldnt hurt the partner. But they were both resilient to change, and admit their mistakes , in this situation I thought they needed the help of a professional, I didnt had the skills and techniques that a therapist would have, and maybe because I was a friend, they may had felt uncomfortable talking with me, in this case the commitment of the couple to recognise their abnormal attitudes was imperative, to try ad change them, my friend was stressed, anxious and depressed because of the marital problems, and she was pregnant at the time. I advice her to book an appointment with her GP expose the situation, and try counselling and because she was pregnan t, this would affect the unborn child. I now understand that in practice , I can approach a service problem with different theories , that can help me to decode and assess the user situation in a constructively perspective, if a I just rely in one single approach, I will miss other underlying problems, in the case above there was other theories that could explain certain behaviours and attitudes. Coulshed (1991.p.8) Theoryless practice does not exist ; we cannot avoid looking for explanations to guide our actions , whilst research has shown that those agencies which profess not use theory offer a non problem solving wooly and directionless service. CBT and social work. both have the aim to empower the user to control his life, in my view in certain situations, I would use this approach of course that, I need more training and skills to work effectively. Having researched this approach I learned that in certain situations with users we can use techniques and skills from different approaches, and analyse the service user situation with different approaches. I believe that will bring a deeper insight into the service user assessment of needs and resources to help him to be in control of his life again.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Affirmative Action: A Counter Productive Policy :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  By definition, racism is the discrimination of prejudice against race. Discrimination, by definition, is treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than on individual merit. In 1961, when President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 10.925, he was indicating that individual businessmen should take affirmative action to ensure applicants and employees are treated â€Å"without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin.† His executive order implied equal access and nothing else. The system that has evolved since is a perversion of the original intent of affirmative action. The stipulations that make up affirmative action today are too narrow to effectively help in the fight against racism and discrimination.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Affirmative action has the capability of causing reverse discrimination. Discrimination against white males is just as bad as discrimination against any minority. Some people say that affirmative action is justified as a way of making up for past discrimination. Although discrimination still exists in the United States today, as it does in the rest of the world, most African Americans entering the job market today, were born after the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Because of this, most African Americans have suffered little or no oppression in terms of slavery. When the Civil Rights Act was passed, its spirit was not one of reverse discrimination, but of getting employers to consider applicants candidly in filling jobs within their companies. Hubert Humphrey, a major sponsor of the Act, was quoted during a 1964 interview swearing that he would â€Å"eat the bill if it were ever used for discrimination of any sort.† Yet, it has promoted just that, discrimination . The past cannot be changed, and society should stop compensating people who were never hurt at the expense of people who have done them no harm.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This unwarranted discrimination bothers most employers as well as most employees who do not qualify for affirmative action. The employers feel they have ended up with a lesser quality worker, because of unfair and unwanted employment regulations. Here is yet another disadvantage of affirmative action, namely that every employee from a social minority that benefits from affirmative action can bear a mark of not being the best pick, but only the best pick from a limited group, even if the person is selected for being the best available on the complete job market. The bypassed employees can feel tricked by the government or the minority.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Captian Veres reactions to Billy Budd in Billy Budd :: Vere Billy Budd Essays

Captian Vere's reactions to Billy Budd in Billy Budd When Captain Vere says â€Å"Struck dead by an angel of God! Yet the angel must hang!† his attitude towards Billy Budd changes from one of paternal concern and personal respect to one in which he has set aside his personal thoughts and feelings for the sake of his nation. Each sentence represents this dichotomy by indicating his sentiment towards Billy. In the first, Billy is â€Å"an angel of God† who has â€Å"struck† Claggart dead, in a righteous manner. In the second sentence, â€Å"the angel must hang,† indicates that no matter Billy’s intentions or nature, his act is a crime against his country. Vere, between Billy’s outburst and his own divided exclamation, acts maniacally, but methodically. He follows procedure for confirming Claggart’s condition, but does not refer to the event in terms of its secular implications. Instead, he calls it the â€Å"divine judgment on Ananias.† His behavior throughout this passage, which extends for only about a page, is frantic and disturbed. He acts as a â€Å"military disciplinarian† towards the disturbed Billy, ordering him to stay in his stateroom, but when the â€Å"prudent surgeon† enters the room, he acts with haste, interrupting his salute. Yet, when the baffled surgeon confirms Vere’s worst fears, he becomes â€Å"motionless, standing absorbed in thought.† He then convulsively compares Billy to the Angel of Death. Here, Vere is beginning to recognize the consequences of this event, and the necessary actions he must take as captain. Captain Vere returns to his intellectual, patriotic nature, as he becomes again the man whose â€Å"settled convictions were as a dike against those invading waters of novel opinion social, political, and otherwise.† Vere is not one given easily to fits of discomfiture or moral dilemma. He believes strongly in the right of his nation and military, and disciplines himself and his men accordingly. Yet, for the first time we are aware of, Vere becomes torn between his father-like love for Billy and his son-like love for his country.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A Well Known Musician

Billy Joel is a well known musician who has sold millions of albums throughout the world. Billy Joel has also won multiple grammys and several other awards. He has worked with many other artists and is affectionately known as â€Å"The Piano Man.† Over the years, Billy Joel has broken many records including performing his 65th at Madison Square Garden. Today, he continues to succeed in his music career as he has over his many years as a musician. Billy Joel was born on May 9, 1949, as William Martin Joel in Bronx, New York. He grew up in Levittown, New York, and had two siblings a sister named Judith, and a half-brother Alexander Joel. His father was a classical pianist, and his mother encouraged him to play the piano. He started his career at a very early stage in his life, when he began taking piano lessons at the age of four. His lessons continued until he was sixteen years old. He was in three bands before the age of sixteen. He decided to start his music career after watching a famous band named â€Å"The Beatles† on the popular â€Å"Ed Sullivan Show. † In 1971 he came out with his first album after dropping out of high school to pursue his career in music. The solo album was called â€Å"Cold Spring Harbor.† Billy Joel then decided to move to Los Angeles and got a job soon after as a lounge pianist. After he performed in L.A. in his early years he chose to move back to Long Island. He still continues to pursue his music career around the world and currently lives in Long Island. Billy Joel married his first wife Elizabeth Weber Small in 1973. They had been partners for years before they married. In 1982 they separated from each other and both moved on. He then married famous supermodel named Christie Brinkley. They then had a daughter named Alexa Ray who was born on December 29, 1985. He then split from Christie Brinkley in 1993 eight years after they had their daughter Alexa Ray. Billy Joel met and married television food star and journalist Katie Lee. The two divorced after being married for six years. Billy Joel then went on to meet his current wife Alexis Roderick. They then married in 2015, and went on to have a baby named Della Rose who was born on August 12, 2015. Billy Joel sold over 150 million successful albums and has won multiple awards. Throughout his career his singles hit the top charts almost every time. Through the 1970's, 1980's, and 1990's his singles hit the top 40 thirty-three times. He received a Grammy Legend Award in 1990 and a Billboard Century Award in 1994 for his outstanding music. The Johnny Mercer Award was awarded to Joel in 2001 for being inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 1992. He was also awarded Musicares Person of the Year in 2002. Billy Joel received three Cable Excellence Awards for his American cable television programming. Joel was nominated for 10 Tony Awards and won one for Best Orchestrations. Later in Billy Joel's career he suffered from an alcohol addiction and was continuously in rehab. He then recovered going on to make more music throughout the early 2000's. Joel then released â€Å"All My Life† in 2007. The single was his first in thirteen years with original lyrics. Billy Joel performed multiple times at Madison Square Garden and broke records, selling out his concerts constantly. He made $46 million in sales as of October, 2015. Billy Joel is one of the best selling artists of all time, topping the charts numbers of time throughout the years. He has won several awards and sold out many shows at popular venues such as Madison Square Garden. Billy Joel has continued to perform and tour throughout the world today as the same wonderful musician he was years ago.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Motor Temperature Ratings

A frequently misunderstood subject related to electric motors is insulation class and temperature ratings. This paper tries to describe, in basic terms, the temperature relationships that are meaningful in standard AC induction motors. Some of the same information can be applied to DC motors but DC motors are more specialized and some of the ratings are slightly different. Perhaps the best way to start is to define the commonly used terms.MOTOR SURFACE TEMPERATURESMotor surface temperature is frequently of concern.The motor surface temperature will never exceed the internal temperature of the motor. However, depending upon the design and cooling arrangements in the motor, motor surface temperature in modern motors can be high enough to be very uncomfortable to the touch. Surface temperatures of 75 ° to 95 ° C can be found on T frame motor designs. These temperatures do not necessarily indicate overload or impending motor failure.OTHER FACTORSInsulation life is affected by many fa ctors aside from temperature.Moisture, chemicals, oil, vibration, fungus growth, abrasive particles, and mechanical abrasion created by frequent starts, all work to shorten insulation life. On some applications if the operating environment and motor load conditions can be properly defined, suitable means of winding protection can be provided to obtain reasonable motor life in spite of external disturbing factors.OLD AND CURRENT STANDARDSU frame 184 through 445U frames, were designed based on using Class A insulation. Temperature rise was not precisely defined by the resistance method.Temperature rise by thermometer for Class A, open drip proof motors was 40 ° C. This was generally thought to be equivalent to approximately 50 ° C by resistance. U frame motors were the industry standard from 1954 to 1965 and are still preferred in some industries and plants. T frame, 143T through 449T motors are generally designed based on using Class B insulation with temperature rises by resista nce of approximately 80 ° C. Production of T frame motors started in the mid-sixties and they continue to be the industry standard at this time.SUMMARYA key ingredient in motor life is the insulation system used in the motor.Aside from vibration, moisture, chemicals, and other non-temperature related life-shortening items, the key to insulation and motor life is the maximum temperature that the insulation system experiences and the temperature capabilities of the system components. Table 1 shows the temperature ratings, temperature rise allowances and hot spot allowances for various enclosures and service factors of standard motors. Table 2 shows a listing of temperature related life-shortening factors along with symptoms and cures. You may find this table useful. TABLE 1 Insulation System Class ABFH Temperature Rating in Degrees Centigrade105 °130 °155 °180 ° Temperature Rise Allowance by Resistance (Based on 40 ° C Ambient Temperature) All Motors with 1. 15 Service Factor (Hot Spot Allowance)70 *90 *115 *— Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled Motors (Hot Spot Allowance)60 (5)80 (10)105 (10)125 (15) Totally Enclosed Non-Ventilated Motors (Hot Spot Allowance)65 (0)85 (5)110 (5)135 (5) Motors other than those listed above (Hot Spot Allowance)60 (5)80 (10)105 (10)125 (15) * When operating at service factor loading the hot spot temperatures can actually exceed the insulation rating resulting in shortened motor life. TABLE 2 Temperature Related Life-Shortening Factors PROBLEMS SYMPTOMS CURES Low VoltageOverload Tripping High current Short motor lifeCorrect power supply or match motor to actual power supply voltage rating. High VoltageOverload Tripping High current Short motor lifeCorrect power supply or match motor to actual power supply voltage rating. Unbalanced VoltageUnbalanced phase currents Overload trippingDetermine why voltages are unbalanced and correct. OverloadOverload Tripping High current Short motor lifeDetermine reason for overload. Increase motor size or decrease load speed.High Ambient TemperaturesShort motor life* Rewind motor to higher class of insulation. Oversize motor to reduce temperature rise. Ventilate area to reduce ambient temperature. Blocked VentilationShort motor life Runs hot Amperage o. k. Clean lint and debris from air passageways or use proper motor enclosure for application. Frequent StartsShort motor life** Use a reduced voltage starting method. Upgrade class of insulation. High Inertia LoadsShort motor life Overload tripping during startingOversize motor frame. Use higher class of insulation * Use a reduced voltage starting method. * Bearing lubrication must also be matched to high operating temperature. **Reduced voltage starting method and motor characteristics must be matched to the load requirement. APPENDIX Temperature Rise by Resistance Method Degrees C Rise = Rh – Rc/ Rc (234. 5 + T) Where Rc = Cold Winding Resistance in Ohms R h = Hot Winding Resistance in Ohms T = Cold (ambient) Temperature in Degrees Centigrade Note: This formula assumes that the ambient temperature does not change during the test. Example: A small motor has a cold temperature of 3. ohms at 25 ° C (77 ° F) ambient temperature. After operating at full load for several hours, the resistance measures 4. 1 ohms and the ambient has increased to 28 ° C. Calculate the temperature rise: Apparent rise = 4. 1 – 3. 2/3. 2 (234. 5 + 25) = 73 ° C Correcting for 3 ° C increase in ambient: Actual rise = 73 ° – 3 ° = 70 ° C Centigrade Fahrenheit Conversions Actual Temperatures To change Fahrenheit to Centigrade: C ° = (F ° – 32) 5/9 To change Centigrade to Fahrenheit: F ° = (C ° x 9/5 ) + 32 Rise Values Only Degrees â€Å"C† Rise =  °F (Rise) x . 56 Degrees â€Å"F† Rise =  °C (Rise) x 1. 8

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Identity theft Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Identity theft - Research Paper Example This begins with understanding the various reasons why this problem remains relatively under-appreciated and what drives some people to engage in this sort of activity. At the same time that internet criminals are becoming ever more sophisticated in their means of making money from their activities, the general consumer public remains relatively unaware of the dangers. Everyone has heard of the identity theft and many have been victims of it, but few are willing to take the steps necessary to protect themselves against it. Despite the increasing numbers of online shoppers and the relative ease shoppers encounter as they enter an online retailer site, there are several negative factors not directly related to the consumer that nevertheless affect consumer behavior when determining whether to make an online purchase. One of the primary dangers being confronted is the issue of identity theft and information mining being conducted on reputable as well as questionable sites (Wolfinbarger & Gilly, 2003). Until these issues had received some attention, buyers were recommended to make online purchases using more traditional modes of payment rather than through credit cards or online bank transfers. In more recent years, however, numerous security sites and software has been developed designed to assist retail clients build consumer confidence in making the more convenient credit card purchases over the internet, displaying small padlocks as a sign of trust or requiring specific security codes prior to accepti ng a payment through shopping cart technology (Wolfinbarger & Gilly, 2003). While it has become infinitely safer to make purchases online, shoppers are still cautioned to use care when entering personal information and in choosing retailers. Despite the relative ease shoppers encounter as they enter an online retailer site, there are several negative factors that must be weighed before an actual purchase is made. As is reported by Steven Chucala

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Internship Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Internship Report - Essay Example But it was also a great opportunity for me to understand the other desks that I didn’t really know about, such as back office teams. I discovered that in this industry, though people focus more on the front office, the back office and middle office are actually quite important. They support the front office: impressive front offices wouldn’t exist without well-organized back and middle offices. About the buddy system, I didn’t have an exact buddy during this internship program. However, I had many chances to interact with junior members from different desks. This helped me to a great extent to understand more about Nomura. Jason from IT, Mark from US rates trading, Jerry from credit trading, Tan, Yuichiro and Bruce from research, and Dennis from JGB swap trading were all great sources of learning. I had some of my meals with these young members, interacted with them when they were at work, and these experiences have brought me very close to some of these talented members of the Nomura team. I could share my dilemmas with them, and they often gave me great advice when I encountered problems, or encouraged me when I was upset. Also, while interacting with them, I could picture myself working at Nomura as a junior, and it helped me imagine how I could contribute as a junior member. During the internship, I also had several opportunities of meeting key people in Nomura. I realized that Nomura has lots of all-star players in this industry. Especially, I was thoroughly impressed with our CEO. He was quite eloquent and persuasive during the interview meeting, and I was fascinated by the speed and intelligence of his reactions to my ideas and queries. I see why he is one of the most successful people in this industry and why Nomura is expanding right now. In addition, I really appreciate Mr.Osone who just let me come into his office whenever I

Monday, October 7, 2019

Group dynamics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Group dynamics - Essay Example The phenomenon is used as a tool in understanding the emotional problems of the patient and their origins. However, it’s a term that can be fruitfully examined in a therapeutic setting but we cannot ignore the fact that it is an unconscious process and is out of the conscious arena of an individual. Thus, we have to understand, that transference can occur in any given human service organizations. Wherever humans and their subjectivity are involved, there is a possibility of transference seeping in. The important thing worth exemplification is the verity that the human is not aware of the process happening in its full swing and is thus, out of the proponent’s control. Every organization is run by humans. Hence, they are well rooted within the various processes happening in the human mind. Psyche is a construct which lays down the bases of everything a human does. An altruist act of helping an unknown person in need is also an example of the unconscious working of the min d to give conscious results. Therefore, transference is a very important process to be studied in context of its application in various human service organizations. ... Yet transference mechanisms seep in without the information of the proponents. Brandell (2004) said that a client who is seeking help may elucidate the very truth behind the relationship with the caseworker in a much exaggerated form. The purpose and the nature of the alliance within these two individuals are very formal but the seeker may over-exemplify the help he’s getting from the worker in question. This sets off a complete change of unrealistic responses in him which actually tars the client’s vision. Another possibility of unconscious response on the part of the client in social work is that occurrence of transference reinforces the usage of the defense mechanism of regression. It makes the client neurotically dependent on the social work clinician. This in turn takes a face of a management problem on the part of social worker to control the plethora of unrealistic emotions guided towards him (Brandell, 2004). The solution to this problem was found by Hepworth, R ooney and Larsen in their book direct social work practice: theory and skills (1997:562-63). According to them, it’s actually of no use to focus on the past as the problem lies in the present and should be dealt in the here and now. When we focus on human resource management we come to see transference in terms of codependency. Codependents are people who have been victimized much of their lives. They easily feel anger, fear, elation, depression, worthlessness, domination, helplessness, deep emptiness and despair. These people use psychological defenses such as suppression, denial and rationalization to come over these feelings subjectively coined as pain. These mechanisms happen outside the purview of the individual’s conscious

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Colonial history US History Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Colonial history US History - Research Paper Example This information has been gathered over the past seven days through intelligence by the forces. Relevant sources inform that there is news spreading through the countryside that some leaders had strayed in Lexington, and had weapons stored in Concord for purposes of destabilizing the crown. General Gage who sent his aides to town in the past four days organized this intelligence gathering; hence, the militias were aware of Gage’s mission and intelligence plans. Therefore, they had established a communication system so that they could know in advance when the government’s forces were coming (â€Å"The Battle of Lexington† 310). This was made to ensure that their military supplies were safe. The militia is said to be under the command and organization of sympathetic colonialists Samuel Adams and John Hancock. One of the militia’s comrades Paul Revere had organized a communication system of alerting the militia of the military’s coming and actions. On 19 April, upon spotting the British army, he used two lanterns as a signal of the British forces approach to seize the military equipments in Concord. However, aware of the generals interest in the town, the militia were said to have moved their equipment to other towns away from Concord (â€Å"The Battle of Lexington† 310). Word has it that he rode while signaling the lanterns from the north church across the Charles River. Revere and Dowse hurriedly rode their horses to the west of the town to sound the warning of the British arrival. The other messengers awakened the town by using the church bells, sounding of drums and firing shots to call everyone out. The town was suddenly running up and down from the alarms; moreover, John Parker who lined them up as the warning continued organized the militia. The militia’s actions are likely to mark the beginning of a revolution against the crown; this is expressed by the events that happened before the shot that was heard around Lexington and people say was

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Adolescence developmental stages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Adolescence developmental stages - Essay Example â€Å"At sixteen,the adolescent knows about suffering because he himself has suffered,but he barely knows that other beings also suffer.†This idea of adolescent by Jean Jacques Rousseau demonstrates that adolescent is a challenging stage in human development Problems of behavior and adjustment for a new role in the society bring about conflicts within an adolescent, the family and community in general. Looking back on my adolescent years, I find the above description to be true. In the early years of my adolescent period, I find it uncomfortable to experience the physical changes I had been undergoing that time. This change made me struggle to hide my developing breast and widening hips. I always wanted privacy when changing clothes. However, in the midst of these changes is the interesting attraction to the opposite sex. This was the time I became creative in writing love notes to my crush. The time to discussed with peers the most handsome guy in the classroom, has the lates t car, the coolest guy to be with and many other fancy things to talk about regarding the opposite sex of my same age including older males. It is the period I told lies to my parents to be out of the house just to have a look at my crush. I also became secretive to my parents as well as to my brothers and sister about my feelings towards males. As I reached middle adolescence, the more that I pay attention to how I project myself to be more attractive to males. Hairstyle and dress code appropriate for my age became important. I was always on the lookout for magazines for new looks to incorporate to my fashion style. This is because I wanted to be more popular than any other girls my age in my own little ways. Sometimes I exhibited a punk hairstyle and dressed differently alerting my parents to express distasteful of my style since they always wanted me to dress the way they like it to be. According to them, my stylish fashion is considered bizarre. Apart from this, I find it more c omfortable to be with my circle of friends than with my family since there are no objections, restrictions and rules to follow. One memorable event that comes to mind every time I flashback to my adolescent stage was when I had my first date. It was late one evening in summer along the river bank in my community; a cold wind was blowing as I stroll close to my date holding hands together, laughing, giggling and enjoying each other’s company. Hugging and trying to experience the first kiss out of curiosity was attempted too however, all those emotional attraction ended just with an unforgettable kiss. I enjoyed those moments that I forgot the curfew time my parents set for me. When I reached home, the feeling of euphoria was suddenly changed to tormenting moments as my parents scolded me for violating such rule at an early age of barely 15. The above scenario not only prompted me to consider independency but also caused conflicts between me and my parents. Their expression of bewilderment on how I behave and the arguments confused me as to what behavior is appropriate since what I know that time was that I just want to enjoy life and that I was not stepping on someone’s rights. Nevertheless, I am hated by the way I live my life as a teenager. However, as the final years of my adolescence stretched, my relationship with my family improved and my attention gradually was focused on my studies as it is what I really wanted to do to have a career in the future. To understand why an adolescent behave the way they do at this period is to take into consideration theories that apply. Being attracted to the opposite sex is normal for every teenager to experience as was pointed out in Freud’s psychosexual theory. Accordingly, adolescence is the time where there is the resurgence of sex drive that is focused at the genital regions. As a result, adolescents are fascinated with nude magazines and

Friday, October 4, 2019

Employment Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Employment Law - Essay Example The contract of employment is the cornerstone of the employment relationship. In Gascol Conversions Ltd., v Mercer1 Courts found that contracts of employment, like all other contracts, consist of express and implied terms and the written statement is only evidence of the various contractual terms and, unless the employee has agreed that it accurately represents those terms, it is not binding on the employee. Here the argument is that at the time of recruiting the employee, employer can impose these restrictive clauses. Restrictive covenants are terms in a contract of employment that limit the employees activities following termination of their employment. Now it need to consider the capacity of Balmoral to change or impose new restrict covenant. In RS Components v Irwin2, a case before the National Industrial Relations Court the employer decided that it needed to introduce restrictive covenants. The NIRC held that held that there was nothing in the section to preclude the tribunal from finding. The dismissal on the grounds of the needs to impose the new restriction fells within the some other substantial reason category. If employees refused to sign, the new contract could therefore be dismissed. Here the Court noted that the employer would have to devise covenants that were not void. It is a landmark case that decided in 1973 should demonstrate best practice, rather than Windsor Recruitment v Silverwood and others3, which decided in 2006. Employment law still has the capacity to spring a surprise. In Hanover Insurance Brokers Ltd v Schapiro4 the CA Dillon LJ argued that a restriction that seeks to prohibit a defendant from poaching any employee, irrespective of expertise or juniority and including those who entered employment after the defendant left, is invalid5. In Living Design (Home Improvements) Ltd. v Davidson6 the CA has recognized the possibility of a restrictive covenant sufficient to

Thursday, October 3, 2019

James Is Intolerance of the Catholic Faith Essay Example for Free

James Is Intolerance of the Catholic Faith Essay Do you agree with the view that the main cause of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 was James I’s intolerance of the catholic faith? It was the lack of tolerance in which James showed toward the Catholic faith, but also the large amounts of tolerance to the Protestants in the mean time. James was, almost, too pleasant towards the Protestants and therefore angered the Catholics as he did so, leaving the Catholic’s wanting to display that the intolerance shown towards them was unacceptable. Therefore, historians are able to infer that it was due to James’ attitudes towards the catholic faith that the Gunpowder Plot took place. Source 2 and 3 both agree that the gunpowder plot was due to James dealing with the Catholic faith with a very harsh attitude, also pushing the Catholics into taking measures such as ‘massacres, rebellions and desperate attempts against the King and State’ due to the King driving them to. James ‘dealt severely [..] he took a lot of money’ which he, evidently, didn’t implicate amongst the puritans. James shows a lot of hatred towards the Catholics and their faith through the way he dealt with them. Source 4 supports evidence shown through both source 2 and 3 in the way that it is expressing the ‘utter detestation’ he had of Catholicism and how he was happy to show his ‘hostility against the Catholics in order to satisfy the Puritans’. James states how he couldn’t comply with all the needs of the Catholics which they present to them, however he made no effort to even think about contemplating those needs of the Protestants. The kings hatred towards the Catholics, however, may also have been due to the influence of his inherited chief minister, Robert Cecil, who from Source 3 we can understand himself didn’t enjoy having the Catholic faith around, being warned that if the harshness shown towards them wasn’t to stop then the king would have to intervene in ‘massacres, rebellions and desperate attempts against the king and state’. However, Robert Cecil, down to his own despise of the faith manipulated the situation, applying a larger amount of pressure upon James to continue to treat the Catholics with a harsh manner, shown in source 5, ‘Cecil used every opportunity to infer to James that the popes were rivals to his authority [] something James could not tolerate’. Source 5, unlike source 3, states how Cecil was a ‘staunch protestant’ seeing the Catholics as being ‘tantamount to traitors’ due to their beliefs opposing the king by referring back to the pope, although they both show that Robert Cecil is using his own viewpoint to affect the way in which the King undertake the ‘issue’ of the Catholic faith, just in diverse ways, and therefore a possible cause of the gunpowder plot, which many historians would argue, was due to James’ ministers themselves, influencing the kings beliefs and ideals. Robert Cecil through his influence over the king shown in source 5 can also be supported in source 1 with him stating that the King has been too tolerable of the Catholics and how the king should be harsher towards them and how ‘the King’s excessive kindness’ has resulted to ‘priests preach that Catholics much kill the Kings to help their religion’, and therefore wasn’t James’ intolerance of the Catholics that caused the Gunpowder plot but the tolerance he showed them instead. Many Catholics would say that due to James’ deliberately publicly announcing his ‘utter detestation’ of their faith that James deserved the plot to be against him due to the harshness shown towards their faith and beliefs, which we are able to infer via source 4 telling historians that ‘all priests [] had been expelled and recusancy fines introduced’. Overall through the sources historians are able to infer that James showed a large intolerance towards the Catholic faith, whether it be through him own ideals or influenced by other, which then pushed them into believing that performing the Gunpowder plot upon the Houses of Parliament was for the greater good of their religion, and therefore the main cause of the gunpowder plot of 1604 was King James’ intolerance for the Catholic faith. Amy Poole.